Senin, 15 Mei 2017

A series of computer keyboards to modern keyboards and working principles so do virtual laser keyboard AMNIMARJESLOW AL DO FOUR DO AL ONE LJBUSAF thankyume orbit

   Hasil gambar untuk elektronik keyboard led komputer
Hasil gambar untuk teknik rangkaian keyboard komputer   Hasil gambar untuk teknik rangkaian keyboard komputer   
                                      Understanding and Working Computer keyboard  
Understanding and how to work Computer keyboard - Basically the computer consists of Hardware, software, and brain ware. All three are necessary for a computer to operate properly. As for one of the important hardware of a computer that is keyboard.Keyboard is an input tool used to type information into a computer and run various instructions or commands into a computer. Keyboard in Indonesian means finger board or keyboard.The keyboard is a standard input tool that must exist on every computer. The keyboard is connected to a computer using a cable available on the keyboard. The end of the cable is inserted into the port on the computer's CPU.How to Work Computer KeyboardA keyboard is like a miniature computer. The keyboard has its own processor and circuit circuitry that carries information to and from the processor. The largest part of the keyboard series is "key matrix"."Key matrix" is a circuit grating under the keyboard keys. Inside the keyboard, each circuit is disconnected (like a switch) at a point below each key. When we press a button, the button presses a switch, making the circuit connected and the electric current passes through it. If we long press on the button, the processor recognizes it by pressing the button repeatedly .. 

When the processor finds a closed circuit (connected because of keystrokes), then the processor will compare the location of the closed circuit with the character map stored in the ROM (read only memory) keyboard.

The character map is basically a table of characters that lists the positions of each key or a combination of keys and the characters they represent.

For example, a character map tells the processor that pressing the "a" button alone produces a lowercase "a", but the Shift key along with the "a" button together will produce a capital letter. 

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  1. Go Look Importantbook: A Series Of Computer Keyboards To Modern Keyboards And Working Principles So Do Virtual Laser Keyboard Amnimarjeslow Al Do Four Do Al One Ljbusaf Thankyume Orbit >>>>> Download Now

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    Go Look Importantbook: A Series Of Computer Keyboards To Modern Keyboards And Working Principles So Do Virtual Laser Keyboard Amnimarjeslow Al Do Four Do Al One Ljbusaf Thankyume Orbit >>>>> Download Full

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