Incandescent Lighting
Incandescent lamps are often considered the least energy efficient type of electric lighting commonly found in residential buildings. Although inefficient, incandescent lamps possess a number of key advantages--they are inexpensive to buy, turn on instantly, are available in a huge array of sizes and shapes and provide a pleasant, warm light with excellent color rendition.
However, because of their relative inefficiency and short life spans, they are more expensive to operate than newer lighting types such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
Types of Incandescent Lamps
There are three common types of incandescent lamps (called A-line lamps) used in residential applications:
Standard Incandescent A-Line Lamps
Commonly known as the screw-in "A"-type lamp that use a medium Edison (E-26) base, standard incandescent bulbs are the least efficient light source commonly found in homes. These lamps produce visible light by heating a tiny coil or filament of tungsten wire that glows when it is heated by an electrical current.
"Long-life" lamps are an example of lamps with thicker, stronger filaments that can last much longer than a standard service lamp, but they are less energy efficient.
New efficiency standards for lighting require lamps to use about 25% less energy. These standards began taking effect starting in January 2012 and the phase-in will be complete as of January 1, 2014, after which time traditional incandescent general service lamps such as the common A-19 will not be available in most stores. Learn more about the new lighting standards.
Energy-Saving Incandescent (or Halogen) Lightbulbs
A halogen lamp is a type of incandescent lamp with a capsule that holds a special halogen gas composition around the heated filament to increase the efficacy of the incandescence. They are more energy efficient than standard incandescent bulbs but somewhat more costly. Halogen lamps may also have a special inner coating that reflects heat back into the capsule to further improve efficacy by “recycling” the otherwise wasted heat. Together, the filling and coating recycle heat to keep the filament hot with less electricity. They also provide excellent color rendition.
Halogens are a little more expensive than standard incandescent lamps, but are less expensive to operate because of their higher efficacy and longer life expectancy. They are commonly used in reflector lamps such as indoor and outdoor flood or spot lighting, indoor recessed and track fixtures, and floor and desk lamps.
Some halogen bulbs are dimmable, as indicated on the package, and are compatible with timers and other lighting controls.
Reflector Lamps
Reflector bulbs (Type R) spread and direct light over specific areas. They are used mainly for floodlighting, spotlighting, and down lighting applications both indoor and outdoor.
There are two types of reflector lamps:
electron energy transformation

The energy
If you look around you , You will notice that every thing needs the energy to do their functions . You need food to obtain the energy that helps you to work , move , play , …..etc , Your car needs the fuel to obtain the energy that causes the motion of its engines .
The Energy is the ability to do work .
The forms of the energy
- There is a potential energy stored in the spring of the toy car .
- There is a kinetic energy produced by the electric fan and the washing machine .
- There is a light energy produced by the electric lamp or the Sun .
- There is a heat energy produced by the heater .
- There is an electric energy produced by the dry cell ( battery ) and the solar cells .
- There is a chemical energy stored in the battery .
- There is a sound energy produced by the piano and the radio .
Examples of some changes of the energy
![]() |
Some changes of energy . |
The potential energy changes into the kinetic energy as in the spring of the children toys .
The kinetic energy can change into the sound energy as in the violin , the guitar , and when you knock on the door .
The kinetic energy change into the heat energy , When you rub your hands , when you hammer on a piece of iron , and when you remove a nail from a piece of wood .
The kinetic energy changes into the electric energy as in the dynamo .
The electric energy changes into the light energy as in the electric lamp , where it lights , when the electric current passes through it .
The electric energy changes into the kinetic energy as in the electric fan , the electric motor and the washing machine .
The electric energy changes into the sound energy as in the recorder or the radio .
The light energy change into the heat energy as in the solar heater .
The light energy changes into the electric energy as in the solar cells .
The chemical energy changes into the electric energy as in the battery .
"Energy Transformations Energy is Review: What IS Energy? the ability to do work or make a change Move matter (stuff)Change matter (stuff)

XXX . XXX Energy conversion efficiency
Energy conversion efficiency (η) is the ratio between the useful output of an energy conversion machine and the input, in energy terms. The input, as well as the useful output may be chemical, electric power, mechanical work, light (radiation), or heat .

Energy conversion efficiency depends on the usefulness of the output. All or part of the heat produced from burning a fuel may become rejected waste heat if, for example, work is the desired output from a thermodynamic cycle. Energy converter is an example of an energy transformation. For example a light bulb falls into the categories energy converter. Even though the definition includes the notion of usefulness, efficiency is considered a technical or physical term. Goal or mission oriented terms include effectiveness and efficacy.
Generally, energy conversion efficiency is a dimensionless number between 0 and 1.0, or 0% to 100%. Efficiencies may not exceed 100%, e.g., for a perpetual motion machine. However, other effectiveness measures that can exceed 1.0 are used for heat pumps and other devices that move heat rather than convert it.
When talking about the efficiency of heat engines and power stations the convention should be stated, i.e., HHV (a.k.a. Gross Heating Value, etc.) or LCV (a.k.a. Net Heating value), and whether gross output (at the generator terminals) or net output (at the power station fence) are being considered. The two are separate but both must be stated. Failure to do so causes endless confusion.
Related, more specific terms include
- Electrical efficiency, useful power output per electrical power consumed;
- Mechanical efficiency, where one form of mechanical energy (e.g. potential energy of water) is converted to mechanical energy (work);
- Thermal efficiency or Fuel efficiency, useful heat and/or work output per input energy such as the fuel consumed;
- 'Total efficiency', e.g., for cogeneration, useful electric power and heat output per fuel energy consumed. Same as the thermal efficiency.
- Luminous efficiency, that portion of the emitted electromagnetic radiation is usable for human vision.
Fuel heating values and efficiency
In Europe the usable energy content of fuel is typically calculated using the lower heating value (LHV) of that fuel, the definition of which assumes that the water vapor produced during fuel combustion (oxidation), remains gaseous, and is not condensed to liquid water so the latent heat of vaporization of that water is not usable. Using the LHV, a condensing boiler can achieve a "heating efficiency" in excess of 100% (this does not violate the first law of thermodynamics as long as the LHV convention is understood, but does cause confusion). This is because the apparatus recovers part of the heat of vaporization, which is not included in the definition of the lower heating value of fuel[citation needed]. In the U.S. and elsewhere, the higher heating value (HHV) is used, which includes the latent heat for condensing the water vapor, and thus the thermodynamic maximum of 100% efficiency cannot be exceeded with HHV's use.
Example of energy conversion efficiency
This article is missing information about clear definition of the energy conversion efficiency for light sources. The lighting efficiency is given by the luminous efficacy which does not allow to give a simple percentage without specifying what "100%" would be. If there is an ISO standard or another reliable source defining the energy conversion efficiency in lighting, please cite it. . (May 2012)
Conversion process | Conversion type | Energy efficiency |
Electricity generation | ||
Gas turbine | Chemical to electrical | up to 40% |
Gas turbine plus steam turbine (combined cycle) | Chemical/thermal to electrical | up to 60% |
Water turbine | Gravitational to electrical | up to 90% (practically achieved) |
Wind turbine | Kinetic to electrical | up to 59% (theoretical limit) |
Solar cell | Radiative to electrical | 6–40% (technology-dependent, 15-20% most often, 85–90% theoretical limit) |
Fuel cell | Chemical to electrical | up to 85% |
World Electricity generation 2008 | Gross output 39% | Net output 33%[1] |
Electricity storage | ||
Lithium-ion battery | Chemical to electrical/reversible | 80–90% [2] |
Nickel-metal hydride battery | Chemical to electrical/reversible | 66% [3] |
Lead-acid battery | Chemical to electrical/reversible | 50–95% [4] |
Engine/Motor | ||
Combustion engine | Chemical to kinetic | 10–50%[5] |
Electric motor | Electrical to kinetic | 70–99.99% (> 200 W); 50–90% (10–200 W); 30–60% (< 10 W) |
Turbofan | Chemical to kinetic | 20-40%[6] |
Natural process | ||
Photosynthesis | Radiative to chemical | up to 6%[7] |
Muscle | Chemical to kinetic | 14–27% |
Appliance | ||
Household refrigerator | Electrical to thermal | low-end systems ~ 20%; high-end systems ~ 40–50% |
Incandescent light bulb | Electrical to radiative | 0.7–5.1%,[8] 5–10%[citation needed] |
Light-emitting diode (LED) | Electrical to radiative | 4.2–53% [9] |
Fluorescent lamp | Electrical to radiative | 8.0–15.6%,[8] 28%[10] |
Low-pressure sodium lamp | Electrical to radiative | 15.0–29.0%,[8] 40.5%[10] |
Metal-halide lamp | Electrical to radiative | 9.5–17.0%,[8] 24%[10] |
Switched-mode power supply | Electrical to electrical | currently up to 96% practically |
Electric shower | Electrical to thermal | 90–95% (multiply with the energy efficiency of electricity generation for comparison with other water-heating systems) |
Electric heater | Electrical to thermal | ~100% (essentially all energy is converted into heat, multiply with the energy efficiency of electricity generation for comparison with other heating systems) |
Others | ||
Firearm | Chemical to kinetic | ~30% (.300 Hawk ammunition) |
Electrolysis of water | Electrical to chemical | 50–70% (80–94% theoretical maximum) |
XXX . XXX 4 zero Incandescent Light Quality
Now the last standard incandescent bulbs (15W, 25W, 40W) are banned from production and import in the EU. Remaining stocks may still be sold. Small special lamps, some decorative and rough service lamps will still be available (see Freedom Lightbulb for details). Reflector lamps will be restricted from next year and most incandescent halogen lamps from 2016.
This is truly sad because there is NO replacement for incandescent light quality, because the alternatives do no not produce light by incandescence (glow) but by technical, electronic and chemical processes which create radically different light properties, besides containing both more electronics and more potentially toxic, environmentally destroying or rare and expensive substances.
Here I’ve made a rough overview of lamp types family tree:
Whereas standard incandescent lamps and halogen incandescent lamps can be said to be ‘siblings’, all other lamp types have nothing more in common with incandescent lamps than being powered by electricity.
So, no matter how much effort is put into creating a phosphor mix that will superficially look more or less incandescent-like, it will just never be the same because it is a chemical composite light, a sort of digital soul-less light, totally lacking the warm natural glow of incandescence.
Banning a top quality product in favour of totally different and quality-wise inferior products is like banning wine with the argument that “wine-lovers can just as well drink cider, practically the same thing” because both are mildly alcoholic beverages with a superficial similarity. Or banning silk because there are micro-fibre materials with a silk-like look – everyone knows it’s not the same thing! Both have their respective uses and both should naturally be available on the market unless harmful.
What’s so special about incandescent light then?
Incandescent light (along with sunlight) is the ‘gold standard’ against which all other types of light is measured (even according the Global Lighting Association, p. 10 in this document). This is why so much effort has been put into trying to copy its light colour, colour rendering capacity, dimmability, heat- & cold resistance, perfect power factor and other unique qualities – without ever having hope of succeeding on more than the most superficial levels, because:
• Unlike other artificial light sources, incandescent and halogen lamps are tungsten black-body radiators, a safely contained and electrically amplified version of the same fire-light which humanity has evolved with since fire was first discovered. Lighting designer Ed Cansino in a highly informative interview:
“…if I were forced to choose the best lighting for residential overall, it would have to be incandescent. I feel that we as humans have had a deep connection to flame for many thousands of years. It’s almost like it’s in our DNA. It’s interesting that as time moves on, people are still drawn to sitting around the camp fire, a fireplace, even a barbecue. Think of a Yule log. It’s just that this particular quality of light is ingrained in us. You can even get a screen saver of log flames. Incandescents with their glowing filaments are a form of flame and are thus an extension of this inborn affinity that we have for fire.”

(photo: ALAMY, source:
• Incandescent light colour follows the Planck curve so that when dimmed or used at lower wattages, the light colour gets proportionally warmer and more candle like. Increase brightness or use a higher watt lamp, and it gets whiter again. This is how a natural light source behaves. Whereas LED and CFL gets more blue, green or grey, even if they were reasonably warm-white at full power. Example of how an incandescent (left) and an LED (right) looks before and after dimming in a Consumer Reports test lab video from KOMO News (click on link to see full video, these are only snapshots):

Incandescent & LED full power

Incandescent & LED dimmed
• Like natural daylight, incandescent light has the highest possible colour rendering (CRI 100) due to naturally continuous spectrum, and a warm-white, human-friendly light which radiates and makes colours come alive (unlike the duller light from CFLs and LEDs with CRI just over 80).

Strawberries (source:
Ron Rosenbaum describes it more poetically:
I’ve tried the new CFLs, and they are a genuine improvement—they don’t flicker perceptibly, or buzz, or make your skin look green. There is a difference, and I’d be in favor of replacing all current fluorescent bulbs with CFLs. But even CFLs glare and blare—they don’t have that inimitable incandescent glow. So don’t let them take lamplight away. Don’t let them ban beauty.Don’t get me wrong, this is not a plea for Ye Olde Times, for gaslight and quill pens. It’s just a plea not to take for granted the way we illuminate our world. Not all change is improvement. Why do I put such a premium on incandescence? For one thing, I am a bit romantic about it. A lamp fitted with an incandescent bulb and dim translucent shades casts a lovely, painterly glow on human faces, while the light of fluorescents recalls a meat locker.Why do you think there is such artistry to so many lampshades? They are the lingerie of light.But the appeal of incandescence is not just a matter of romance. I suspect there are also answers to be found in the physics and linguistics of incandescence.I’d speculate that it has something to do with the different ways light is created by incandescents and fluorescents. Incandescent light is created by heat, by the way an electric current turns a thin metal filament (usually tungsten) red then white hot in a transparent or translucent globe filled with an inert gas that prevents the filament from burning up, allowing it to give off a steady glow. (That explains the warmth: The fact that incandescence emanates from heat creates warmth, distinguishes it from the cold creepiness of fluorescence.)Fluorescent light bulbs, on the other hand, are coated inside with chemical material that lights up as energy reaches the tubes. (It’s a bit more complicated than this, but that’s the general idea.) Fluorescents sometimes appear to flicker because alternating current brings that energy to the bulbs in pulses, rather than steadily. In incandescents, the hot filament stays hot—and therefore bright—despite alternations in current; it can’t cool fast enough to dim or flicker.The new CFLs pulse faster than their ancestors, so the flickering is less perceptible, but at some level, it’s still there. CFL manufacturers may be right that the new bulbs are an improvement, but there is still something discontinuous, digital, something chillingly one-and-zero about fluorescence, while incandescent lights offer the reassurance of continuity rather than an alternation of being and nothingness.
Who wants to have a romantic dinner in the dull gloomy light of a CFL or LED? I’ve been to such restaurants and it was just awful!

Halogen-lit restaurant in Waikiki
And why do lighting designers or business owners often choose soft warm incandescent lamps or bright glittering halogen spotlights in hotels, spas, reception areas, high-end boutiques etc? Because they are well aware of the fact that no other light can create such attractive, intimate, relaxing or luxurious-looking environments.

Halogen-lit jewellry store
Leaving many in the dark
There are both visible and measurable differences in quality between incandescent light and the light from even the best CFLs and LEDs on the market, well known to the lighting industry and documented in their own technical specifications.
If there is a more efficient product within the same group, that has exactly the same properties and not just similar (including spectral power distribution, colour rendition, power factor, glare safety, price, fit, availability, functionality etc) a ban might be tolerable if not acceptable. But you cannot reasonably replace a product from one group with a product of a completely different technology without getting something altogether different. Some may not mind the difference, but for those who do, the original, higher quality product must remain available.
Also, there are many sensitive people in general and light sensitive people in particular who experience everything from discomfort or dislike to severe symtoms from the recommended alternatives. There are also the elderly to consider. Even the extremely pro-ban Swedish Energy Agency (STEM) representative Kalle Hashmi earlier pointed out that:
When you get older, 60+, you need more light to be able to see, and our ability to distinguish colours and contrasts diminishes. Then we need to choose a light that solves all three problems. When in a situation where colour rendition is very important, where you need to match colours, then it is very important to use a mains voltage halogen lamp because it has much better colour rendering capacity. It can be a situation like cooking, where all colours seem matte to the eyes. So what an elderly person perceives as ‘brown’ may actually be burnt. With halogen you see better.
In other words, incandescent light. The banning of frosted incandescent and halogen replacement lamps already creates a lot more glare – something the ageing eye is also more sensitive to. So what will the elderly or vision impaired do when halogen incandescent lamps are also banned? And all those of us who simply enjoy beauty and warmth and who prefer to save by dimming or switching lights off when not in use, rather than compromise on quality?
Not to mention artists, photographers, designers and many other groups dependent on perfect colour rendition to be able to do their job.
FL/CFL or LED light may have its use where lamps are left on all day and quantity matters more than quality, e.g. at work, in public building corridors etc, but not necessarily in all retail, hospitality or domestic environments where consumers expect a more attractive and/or relaxing light. There is certainly no, even remotely similar, replacement for the romantic glow of the ‘carbon-filament’ type decorative bulb often used in restaurants, for example.
Light is like air, food and water – it is essential to our well-being. And quality matters!
In the words of lighting designer :
Human beings evolved with and in response to light—sunlight, moonlight, the incandescence of fire. Our physical mechanism, the neuroscience that makes us who we are, is exquisitely attuned to light’s qualities and rhythms. The light that envelops us steers our very existence. To impose limitations on how we choose to illuminate our world carries profound biological implications.
Lighting is one of the most powerful mood-enhancers, can markedly affect how environments are perceived, as well as both comfort, well-being and health.
This is why many lighting designers are upset over being robbed of one of the many tools of their craft. It is their job to create the most optimal lighting environments where energy use, cost, quality, quantity, desired functionality, mood etc are all factors to weigh against each other for each unique situation, which they, unlike politicians, are well educated to do.
Lamp Guide
Now that the market is being flooded with such a confusing profusion of different lamps to replace the incandescent bulb, it is more difficult than ever to find the right lamp for the right place. the Swedish Energy Agency, STEM. [1] My translation of his unusually informed and balanced recommendations:
• In closed luminaires it is not advisable to use CFLs as they get too hot which shortens their life. Where you have very short burning time, such as in a closet or the bathroom, the lamp life will shorten significantly if you turn it on and off a lot. In such a situation you could preferably choose a halogen lamp.• If temperatures are too low [= outdoors in northern winters] the [CFL] lamp does not perform at its best. The lamp is made to function best in 25 degrees [C]. In such a situation we think the best option is to use an induction lamp. Very expensive but on the other hand it lasts 100 000 hours.• When you get older, 60+, you need more light to be able to see, and our ability to distinguish colours and contrasts diminishes. Then we need to choose a light that solves all three problems.• When it comes to contrast, for example, it is usually limited to reading text, black on white. Then you need to choose a CFL with higher effect, e.g. 15W and you can use a correlated colour temperature around 4000K, but only for reading.• When in a situation where colour rendition is very important, where you need to match colours, then it is very important to use a mains voltage halogen lamp because it has much better colour rendering capacity. It can be a situation like cooking, where all colours seem matte to the eyes. So what an elderly person perceives as ‘brown’ may actually be burnt. With halogen you see better.• CFLs are not the answer to all our prayers. When it comes to colour rendering they are not as good, and they also contain mercury. LEDs will be the dominating technique, but it’s better to replace low voltage spotlights with LED spotlights than replacing standard bulbs for general lighting.
My comments: Good advice all of it, except for the recommendation to use cool-white CFL for reading.
Some research suggests that contrast decreases rather than increases with higher correlated colour temperature (blueness) and that certain blue wavelengths may harm rather than help in cases of macular degeneration. [2] The small traces of UV which some naked CFL tubes emit may at close range may also worsen cataracts and skin conditions. [3] If you sit closer than 30 cm for more than an hour per day, the the British Health Procection Agency recommend that you use a covered CFL with an extra outer bulb. [4]
I would instead recommend frosted incandescent or halogen for reading, as clear bulbs tend to give disturbing light patterns on the page and most LEDs are either too dim or too directional. Unfortunately, thanks to the European Commission, that’s no longer an option.
Replacing spotlights with LED is a better idea as LEDs are already directional by nature and perform better as reflector lights than as omnidirectional light trapped in a bulb – if you don’t mind the slightly lower light quality and paler colours which can be seen clearly in this comparison between ‘warm-white’ & ‘daylight’ LED and incandescent downlights:
• For those who prefer a daylight-simulating light, despite the lower contrast, white LEDs are naturally cool-white already and need no special phosphor mix like CFLs to achieve a daylight look.
But daylight lamps usually look best in the daytime. At night the cold light can look and feel more unnatural when contrasted against the dark as we humans are traditionally used to firelight at night (though cultural and individual preferences may vary).
• Where warm-white incandescent type light with perfect colour rendering is needed, there exists no replacement other than halogen (which is also incandescent). No CFL or LED has that special sunny feel and warm glow which makes colours come alive.
• In traditional environments with antique furniture and art, CFLs and LEDs tend to look particularly out of place, whereas they may look acceptable with more contemporary designs, even if a bit dull.
• When it comes to mood lighting of your dinner table, cosy corner or favorite restaurant, CFL and LED have zero romance factor whereas the warm light of halogen or incandescent spots on dimmers will complement candle light and create an attractive, romantic and relaxing atmosphere.
In rooms where you’re mostly sitting down and relaxing (like the living room), use many low-watt (7, 15 or 25 watt if incandescent) lamps placed low around the room, e.g. on walls, tables or in windows, rather than one bright ceiling light. Can be complemented with floor reading lamps and ceiling floodlights to be turned on when needed. Avoid up-lighters and torchieres.
• Around children, I’d use only warm-white LED lamps (which are cool to the touch) or low watt frosted incandescent bulsb in enclosed & shaded luminaires.CFLs contain mercury and can break and should therefore never be used around children or pets. Clear halogen lamps can get too hot, bright and glaring. One exception is IKEAs Snöig series of desk–, wall– and floor luminaires where the halogen lamp is well protected from curious fingers and eyes.
• For night-lights, I recommend LED. Even if you only save 6 watts per lamp, they’re usually on all night, every night, and come in different colours.
• Coloured lights, e.g. holiday lights, car and traffic signal lights, stage lighting etc. can be replaced by LED. LEDs come already coloured in various colours and are often ideal due to their smallness, low energy use and lack of excess heat.

Energy is the building block of all activities in the universe. Anything we do requires energy. As such, it is important to understand what exactly energy conversion means, how it works and what are the consequences of it.
The law of Conversion of Energy
The law of conversion of energy is one of the fundamental laws of Physics. It states that energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. It is merely transferred from one form to another. It implies that in a closed system, the net total energy will always remain constant.
The production of light from a bulb is one of the examples of energy conversions from one form to another. Here, electric energy is transformed into light and heat energies.

Albert Einstein’s Theory of relativity proved that energy and mass are connected and that one can be converted into another.
To understand the concept of conversion of energy, we first need to know how many types of energy there are.
Types of energy conversions
In theory, any kind of energy can be converted into any other kind. The various types of energies are listed below:
- Sound energy ( from sound waves)
- Mechanical energy (walking, running)
- Electrical energy (from the movement of electrons in an atom)
- Light energy
- Nuclear energy (nuclear fusion and fission)
- Thermal energy ( from heat)
- Chemical energy (fuel, gas, battery)
If we look around ourselves, we can see different energy conversions even in our daily lives. From the electric lamp and television to the windmill and solar panel, everything uses the principle of conversion of energy to do meaningful things.

Examples of energy conversions
Though there are countless examples of energy conversion, let us look at some of the common forms of energy conversion.
- The sun transforms nuclear energy into electromagnetic energy (light, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays) and thermal energy.
- Wind turbines convert mechanical energy of the wind to produce electrical energy.

- A microwave transforms electrical energy into thermal energy.
- The chemical energy of the food we eat is converted into mechanical energy which helps us to do work and thermal energy, which keeps us warm.
- During the process of photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy.

Energy-saving lamps

Now here's a bright idea—a lamp that saves you money and helps the environment! It lasts 10 times longer than a standard electric lamp and uses 80 percent less energy. If you care about tackling global warming, lamps like this are a great place to start. During its lifetime, a typical energy-saving lamp will stop about one ton of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere and pay for itself many times over. So it's good for your pocket and kind to the Earth as well. There are two quite different kinds: CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and LED (light-emitting-diode) lamps. What's the difference between them, how do they work, and which is best? Let's take a closer look!
Photo: A typical energy-saving compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). Light comes from the twin fluorescent tubes on the left. The cube-shaped base of the lamp contains a transformer and other electronics, as explained below.
Why ordinary (incandescent) lamps waste energy
To understand what's so good about energy-saving lamps, we first need to understand what's so bad about ordinary ones.

Photo: An incandescent lamp makes light when the filament gets white hot. It's hard to see this normally since you can't look at a lamp for very long without it hurting (or even damaging) your eyes. But this short exposure photo makes it clear exactly what's happening.
Most lamps are incandescent. This means they give off light because they are hot. A typical electric light bulb is a glass globe with a very thin piece of wire inside it. The thin wire, called a filament, gets extremely hot when electricity flows through it. Now, hot things often give off light. Fires, for example, look red, orange, yellow, or white because they are hot. Put an iron bar in a fire and it will glow red when the temperature reaches about 950°C (1750°F); this is what we mean by "red hot." If the temperature rises to about 1100°C (2000°F), the bar glows yellow. If it gets hotter still, say about 2500°C (4500°F) it will glow with a bright, white light. The filament in a lightbulb looks white because it is glowing white hot.
Hot iron looks red, yellow, or white because it is giving off light—but why should it give off light at all? When you heat iron, the atoms inside it absorb the heat energy you supply. The electrons inside the atoms push out farther from the nucleus to soak up this extra energy. But this makes them unstable, so they quickly return to their original or "ground" state. When they do so, they have to get rid of some energy and do so by giving off a tiny packet of light called a photon. Depending on how much energy they get rid of, the photon appears as light of a particular color. See our article on light for a fuller explanation of how atoms make light.
You might think heating up a bit of wire is a pretty inefficient way to make light—and you'd be right. A fire, a hot iron bar, and the wire filament in a lamp all give off light, but they also give off heat. If making light is our only objective, any heat we make is wasted energy. If you've ever put your hand near a typical incandescent lamp, you'll know it gets incredibly hot—far too hot to touch, so don't try it! In fact, an incandescent bulb wastes about 90 percent of the electricity it uses by getting hot.
Find out more in our article on incandescent lamps.
How compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) work
Traditionally, energy-saving lights save energy by making light without the heat using a completely different process called fluorescence. This is a trick similar to the one used by creatures like fireflies and glow-worms, whose bodies contain chemicals that make "cool light" without any heat. The general name for light made this way is luminescence.
You've probably had long, fluorescent strip lamps in your home or office for years. Modern compact fluorescents work in exactly the same way only they've been squeezed down to fit inside roughly the same volume as a traditional light bulb. From the outside, a compact fluorescent lamp looks simple enough, with two main parts: a squarish base out of which two or more white glass tubes emerge. Plug in the base and the tubes light up. What could be simpler? Inside, things are a bit more complex! Here's how it all works:

- You plug the base into the power outlet.
- Just inside the base, where the case widens out, there's a small electronic circuit, containing a transformer, that boosts the voltage of the incoming electricity. (You can see a photo of the circuit below.) This means the lamp can produce more light than it would otherwise do and also helps to reduce flicker.
- The circuit is connected to a couple of electrical contacts called electrodes.
- When electricity flows into the electrodes, electrons (shown here as red dots) boil" from their surface and shoot off down the thin white tubes, which contain mercury gas, shown here as bigger blue dots.
- As the electrons hurtle down the tubes, they collide with atoms of the mercury. The collisions give the mercury atoms energy so their electrons jump to higher energy levels. But this makes the mercury atoms unstable, so the electrons quickly return to their ground states. When they do so, they give off photons of invisible ultraviolet light (slightly higher frequency than the blue light we can see), shown here as a purple wiggly line.
- If fluorescent lights make invisible light, how come they glow white? Here's the clever part. The thin glass tubes of a fluorescent light are covered in white-colored chemicals called phosphors. When the ultraviolet light strikes atom of the phosphors (shown here as gray dots), it excites their electrons in just the same way that the mercury atoms were excited. This makes the phosphor atoms unstable, so they give off their excess energy as photons—which, this time, happen to be visible, white light (indicated here with yellow wiggly lines).

Photo: The electronic circuit inside an energy-saving lamp. The transformer is the big orange/gold thing in the center. The black cylinder on the left is a capacitor. The four silver colored contacts on the extreme right are where the electrodes attach.
So, in short, fluorescent lights make their energy in a three-step process:
- Electrodes take electrical energy from the power supply and generate moving electrons.
- The moving electrons collide with mercury atoms in the tubes to make ultraviolet light.
- The white phosphor coating of the tubes converts the ultraviolet light into visible light (that we can see).
What's inside a compact fluorescent lamp?
In case you're wondering, here's what a compact fluorescent light actually looks like inside. (Don't break one apart yourself; there is some health risk from the mercury inside if you smash those white glass tubes.) Sorry the photo is a bit blurred. Next time one of my lamps breaks, I'll take a better photo!

Photo: Inside a compact fluorescent lamp. The numbers on this photo correspond to the numbers in the artwork up above: 1) Connection to power socket; 2) Transformer circuit; 3) Electrodes; 4-6) Glass tubes with white phosphor coating inside.
Drawbacks of CFLs
Energy-saving fluorescent lamps are far better than incandescent ones, but they still have their drawbacks. As you can see from the photo up above, there's lots of electronic circuitry inside them and that's hard to recycle at the end of their life, so most lamps like this end up in landfills. The mercury inside them is toxic, so if you break a bulb inside your home, there's a small risk to your health (and the mercury pollutes the landfill as well). Just as incandescent lamps have gone the way of the dinosaurs, CFLs are destined to follow: in February 2016, leading maker General Electric announced that it would stop making and selling CFLs in the United States in favor of LED lamps. It's now possible to buy LED equivalents of most incandescent and CFL bulbs, including small strip lights, so there's no real reason not to opt for LEDs straight away.
LED lamps

Photo: A typical LED lamp (left) looks much more like an old incandescent lamp than its older CFL rival (right).
Since compact fluorescent lamps started to become popular in the mid-1990s, better alternatives have emerged: LED lamps. They're even more energy efficient, last quite a bit longer, contain far fewer electronic components, and don't contain toxic mercury, though, for the moment at least, they can be more expensive to buy. Another big advantage is that they reach maximum brightness almost instantly, unlike CFLs, which take several minutes to "warm up." LED lamps contain 10–20 so low-power, low-voltage light-emitting diodes and some circuitry to make them work off the higher voltage of the domestic supply. Many have a frosted outer plastic case or "diffuser" to spread the bright, highly directional flashlight glare of their little LEDs into a warmer, fuzzier glow more suitable for home lighting.
How LED lamps work
One LED would normally run off something like a 1.5-volt DC (direct current) battery: a lot of modern flashlights work exactly this way, with a handful of LEDs powered by a couple of small batteries. A household lamp has some extra complications: the voltage is much higher (110–250 volts) and it's AC (alternating current) instead of DC. So, just as in a CFL, we need some circuitry to make our LEDs work properly.

Here are the five main parts of a typical LED lamp:
- Diffuser: Individual LEDs have lenses built into them at the top so they fire their light in one direction. Put 10–20 of them together and you get quite a glaring beam—like an oversized flashlight. That's why most LED lamps have diffusers in them, which are typically frosted plastic domes that spread the LED beams into a fuzzier, more even glow, sending equal light in all directions.
- LED array: There are one or two dozen LEDs in a typical bulb.
- Heat sink: Although LEDs are energy efficient, they (and the circuit underneath them) still generate quite a bit of heat. Because the lamp is a completely sealed unit, all that heat would soon build up and damage or destroy the components inside. That's why LED lamps typically have ridged "heat sinks" (like the vanes of a radiator) to cool them down.
- Circuit: A transformer and a few other components convert high-voltage domestic AC to DC power for the LED array.
- Base: Usually either a screw-in (Edison screw, ES) or bayonet fitting.
How can you compare the efficiency of different kinds of lamps?
It's easy to pick up lamps in a store and fall for simple arguments on the box like "Uses 90% less energy" (less than what?"), "lasts 15 years," or whatever it might be, but when it comes to efficiency, we need to compare like for like. An incandescent bulb might be brighter than a CFL, for example, so is a straight comparison of energy use really that fair? One way to compare lamps is by looking at how much energy they need (measured in watts) to produce the same amount of brightness (measured in lumens). Dividing these two numbers, we get the number of lumens each lamp can produce for a single watt of energy. Looking at the chart here, you can see that LEDs are considerably better than CFLs on this measure, which are in turn much better than incandescent lamps.

Chart: Lumens per watt: LED lamps are almost twice as efficient as CFLs when you factor in brightness. On the same measurement, CFLs don't look quite as good compared to incandescents (only 5 times better). LEDs are 10 times better than incandescents.
How much do energy-saving lamps actually save?
You often hear people say that lamps like this pay for themselves quite quickly, but is that really true? Let's crunch the numbers and find out!
Suppose you buy an incandescent lamp rated at 100 watts and it lasts for 1000 hours. In its lifetime, it will use 0.1 kilowatts (100 watts) × 1000 hours = 100 kilowatt hours, which is equivalent to 100 units of electricity or 360 megajoules. If you're in the USA, electricity might cost you 15–20 cents per kilowatt hour, making the total lifetime electricity cost around $15–20. (If you're in the UK, electricity would cost you probably 15–20p per unit, making the total lifetime cost of electricity £15–20.) A quick look around online reveals that you could buy a packet of 10 energy-saving lamps for that price. So it would take only 100 hours' worth of electricity to buy one equivalent, energy-saving lamp. For the sake of easy math, let's say an energy-saving lamp equivalent to an old-style 100 watt lamp uses 20 watts and lasts for 10,000 hours (so it will use five times less electricity and cost only a fifth as much to run). For every 1000 hours that it runs, it will save you 80 units of electricity. Ten lamps running for 1000 hours will save you 800 units of electricity or roughly $120–160. In other words, switching to low-energy lamps is definitely a no-brainer: they easily pay for themselves.
Should you wait till your incandescent lamps stop working before changing over? No, change them straight away: there is no benefit at all to keeping them. What about switching from CFLs to LEDs? That's a slightly different case. Although LEDs are more efficient than CFLs, the difference is smaller and it's probably better to let your CFLs wear out naturally before replacing them (unless you particularly favor the instant brightness of LEDs).
Digitalization set to transform global energy system with profound implications for all energy actors

Digital technologies are set to transform the global energy system in coming decades, making it more connected, reliable and sustainable. This will have a profound and lasting impact on both energy demand and supply, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency.
In this first comprehensive report on the interplay between digitalization and energy, the IEA analyses how digitalization is transforming energy systems. From the rise of connected devices at home, to automated industrial production processes and smart mobility, digital technologies are increasingly changing how, where and when energy is consumed.
More than 1 billion households and 11 billion smart appliances could participate in interconnected electricity systems by 2040, thanks to smart meters and connected devices. This would allow homes to alter when and how much they draw electricity from the grid. Demand-side responses – in building, industry and transport – could provide 185 GW of flexibility, and avoid USD 270 billion of investment in new electricity infrastructure.
With the help of smart thermostats, the IEA report finds that smart lighting and other digital tools, buildings could reduce their energy use by 10% by using real-time data to improve operational efficiency. Meanwhile, massive amounts of data, ubiquitous connectivity, and rapid progress in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are enabling new applications and business models across the energy system, from autonomous cars and shared mobility to 3D printing and connected appliances.
The same transformation is taking place in how energy is produced – from smart oil fields to interconnected grids, and increasingly, renewable power. Digital technologies could help integrate higher shares of variable renewables into the grid by better matching energy demand to solar and wind supplies. Energy supply sectors also stand to gain from greater productivity and efficiency, as well as improved safety for workers.
“Digitalization is blurring the lines between supply and demand,” said IEA Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol. “The electricity sector and smart grids are at the centre of this transformation, but ultimately all sectors across both energy supply and demand – households, transport and industry – will be affected.”
In parallel with these opportunities, digitalization is raising new security and privacy risks, as well as disrupting markets, businesses and employment. While the growth of the “Internet of Things” could herald significant benefits in terms of energy efficiency to households and industries, it also increases the range of energy targets for cyber-attacks. Such attacks have had limited impact so far, but they are also becoming cheaper and easier to organize.
To help understand and deal with this fast-evolving landscape, the report concludes with 10 no-regret policy recommendations, as sound policy and market design will be critical in steering a digitally enhanced energy system along a more efficient, secure, accessible and sustainable path.
Electron energy Transformation connecting
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