What you need to know about plastic electronics
Plastics might seem unlikely materials for building electrical circuits but recent breakthroughs have made this possible. We discover the advantages on offer with plastic electronics and question whether, one day, it might rival silicon .

Plastics might seem unlikely materials for building electrical circuits but recent breakthroughs have made this possible. We discover the advantages on offer and question whether, one day, it might rival silicon.
Plastics are electrical insulators, and good ones that that, so it might seem that their use in electronic circuits would be somewhat limited. However, in recent years chemists have learned to fine tune the composition of some plastics so they behave as conductors or semi-conductors.
This, in turn, allows circuits to be created that are tough and flexible – properties not usually associated with silicon – and this might lead to rollable displays and other innovative new types of product. There are other potential benefits too. Plastics are so much cheaper than silicon and plastic circuits are also simpler to manufacture than silicon chips.
This has caused some pundits to suggest that an age of truly ubiquitous intelligence could be just round the corner. Here we look at what’s made all this possible, at the exciting new products that might result, and at when you’ll be able to get your hands on some of this revolutionary gear.
Plastic electronics: a case of mobility
An electrical current involves the flow of electrons and this fact dictates what types of materials are good electrical conductors and which are insulators. In metals, the atoms have some electrons that are not closely bound to them so they are free to move, particularly when attracted by an electrical potential, thereby allowing the flow of an electrical current. In other substances, and plastics are classic examples, the electrons are tightly bound to a particular atoms or, perhaps, shared between a pair of atoms to form a chemical bond. Now, very few electrons will move, even when a high electrical potential is applied.However, when it’s polymerised, it turns into a solid with the chemical formula (C2H4)nH2 where n is a very large number. All the electrons are closely associated with the carbon or hydrogen atoms or are in the strong chemical bonds between adjacent carbon atoms, or between the carbon and hydrogen atoms. As a result, polythene is a good electrical insulator.
Those few plastics that are electrical conductors have the unique property of mobile electrons. Typically the molecules contain long strings of alternating single and double bonds between the carbon atoms in the so-called molecular backbone. In reality, though, such alternating bonds are only one way of viewing the situation and, in reality, some of the electrons in these bonds are referred to as delocalised or, in other words, they are free to move from atom to atom along the backbone.
What’s more, because polymers contain huge molecules, those electrons are able to move a considerable distance as required for electrical conduction. A classic example is polyphenylene vinylene. As you can see in the diagram of its molecular structure, it has a long string of alternating single and double bonds which does, indeed, allow electrical conduction.
The alternating single and double bonds in allow this plastic to conduct

The availability of conducting polymers means that plastics could be used to connect components together as the copper tracks do on most electronic circuit boards but, to produce active electronic components like the transistors in micro chips, another element is needed. That is the property of semi-conduction as found in silicon and a few other semi-metallic elements.
Plastic electronics: the plastic advantage
Recent advances in polymer chemistry might have made it possible to create electronic circuits purely out of plastic but, given that we already have copper and silicon, it’s pertinent to ask why anyone would want to it. There are several potential benefits.First is price. While it would be wrong to consider silicon a rare element –after all, many rocks contain silicon as does sand – extracting the silicon from its ore and purifying it to the extent required for semiconductor manufacturing is an expensive processes. Plastics, on the other hand, and cheap to make.
Far more importantly, though, is the cost of the processes required to turn the raw material into a working circuit. Creating a silicon chip is a hugely complicated and expensive multi-stage process involving deposition, etching, ion implantation and so many other techniques that have to be carried out using high tech equipment. Because plastics can be dissolved in an organic solvent, however, a polymer circuit can be created using a technique that’s very similar to inkjet printing.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, plastics are tough and flexible. Without a doubt, today’s handheld electronic gear is far more durable than it was only a few years ago. Even so, dropping your new smartphone on a concrete floor isn’t a good idea as you could easily end up destroying its screen as with the iPhone to the right. Plastics, on the other hand are virtually indestructible, a fact which, when coupled with the super low price, will surely result in totally new applications.
Plastic electronics: Organic LEDs
One of the first applications of plastics in active electronic components, and one which is starting to appear in real world products, is the OLED or organic light-emitting diode, one variant of which relies on polymers. Most of today’s screens are based on LCD technology in which liquid crystals are made transparent or opaque, thereby allowing a back light to shine through. Some LCD displays are referred to as LED displays but the use of LEDs is purely to produce the back light.OLEDs are starting to appear in curved TVs like this one from Samsung

Despite the fact that OLEDs themselves are flexible, the fact that the display material has to be paired up with a layer of thin film transistors (TFTs), to turn each of the pixels on and off, limits another potential benefit. In the main the TFT layer is based on silicon technology so the display is relatively inflexible and is not entirely immune from damage.
However, Cambridge-based Plastic Logic has developed the technology for producing an all-plastic FTF backplane that can be bonded to a display layer which can be based on either the coloured OLED or the monochrome electrophoretic (i.e. Kindle-type e-paper) technology. See: all ereader reviews.
Plastic Logic’s displays are totally flexible

To date, applications have mostly benefited from the virtually indestructible nature of these all-plastic displays. For example, the displays have been used to display timetables at bus stops in Germany and in other public transport applications. Closer to home, PopSlate and PocketBook have produced smartphone cases that feature an e-paper based secondary display. Whether there really will be a market for the rollable display, that has been touted for many years, remains to be seen. However, Plastic Logic believes all plastic displays will now set free the whole sphere of wearable electronics as we’ll see later.
One of the first applications of tough plastic displays is in public transport (Photo: Plastic Logic)
Plastic electronics: the bendy processor
While the display might currently be the most advanced area of all-plastic electronics, if polymer is to go mainstream it will also be necessary to produce processors from this most unlikely of materials and progress is being made here too.The challenge has been taken up by the Dutch research centre, Imec, which has already demonstrated the world’s first plastic microprocessor. According to the company, while it’s possible to produce bottom-end silicon processors for about £1, this is about as low as it’s feasible to go.
It seems possible that a plastic processor could be manufactured for a tenth of this amount, though, and this will open up a whole host of new applications. There has been talk, for example, of intelligent packaging for food that can detect when the contents are no longer safe to eat, or on a cereal box to work out the nutritional value of a serving.
However, while it’s admittedly early days, it seems unlikely that the technology will ever give us £10 tablets as we’ll see if we take a look at that prototype processor. For a start, while mainstream processors operate on data in chunks of 64 bits, this first plastic processor has an 8-bit architecture which is reminiscent of the chips of the 80s. Second, it can execute instruction at a rate of just six per second which is many millions or billions of times slower than silicon’s latest and greatest. And finally, despite this rather pedestrian performance, the circuit measures a huge two centimetres square.
Having said all this, when we bear in mind the phenomenal performance advances in silicon chips over the decades, it would be a brave person who totally discounts high performance plastic chips sometime in the future.

Plastic electronics: the road ahead
For its intended applications, the lacklustre performance of the plastic processor will not be a show stopper, even though it’ll probably be quite some time before the full potential of such ultra-cheap and almost indestructible source of intelligence will become clear. However, Plastic Logic’s reference to wearable electronics hints at a much more imminent application of polymer electronics.Wearable electronics is here already in the form of smart watches and the Google Glass computer that’s built into a pair of glasses. However, according to some pundits this is just the tip of a very large iceberg and that the onset of plastic electronics will be a major enabler. At least one industry expert considered “wearables” to have been the top trend to emerge at January’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vagas. With products ranging from electronic fashion accessories, through fitness devices to add-on displays, interfaces and cameras, ubiquitous intelligence really does seem to be coming of age.
According to Plastic Logic, wearable electronics will be a major beneficiary of plastic circuits

Plastics in Electrical and Electronic Applications

For many plastics processing sites, energy costs are approaching the cost of direct labour and energy costs are almost always higher than the actual profits of the site. Experience shows that for typical sites, where little action has been taken in the past, over 30% of the energy use is ‘discretionary’ - this means that the cost is incurred because the site management has either decided to take no action or because it has not recognised the opportunities for improvement. In most cases, energy use and costs can be reduced by over 30% and these savings add directly to the site profits .
What are plastic electronics?
Plastic electronics technology encompasses a number terms, some of which can be confusing. However, when you know what individual terms mean, the entire market starts to make more sense.
Plastic electronics technology encompasses a number terms, some of which can be confusing. When you know what individual terms mean, however, the entire market starts to make more sense.

Backplane - the portion of a display that controls the pixels located in the frontplane.
Barrier film - a flexible transparent film to cover materials involved in organic electronics, protecting them from exposure to oxygen and water vapour, allowing them to remain non-rigid and extending their life span considerably. Developments in barrier film technologyare making it more instrumental for plastic electronics products
Building-integrated photovoltaics - solar cells integrated into a building design, with the intention of supplying power. Quite often these are made up of thin-film or transparent solar cells that cover a large area. Areas exploited for solar cell integration include windows, glass facades and roofs; and some solar cells are being developed for indoor use.

Carbon nanotubes have been developed to replace indium tin oxide, a standard material in touchscreens for consumer electronics devices.
Colour rendering index - the index by which a light source is measured on how accurately it can reproduce all frequencies of the colour spectrum. The lower the CRI, the less accurate its colours are.
Conductive ink - ink that is able to conduct electricity: it can be printed on a number of materials including paper and fabrics. It allows for more scope than etching out conventional circuit boards. Recently, companies have invested in the production of graphene based conductive inks, which can be used in retail packaging.
Dye-sensitised solar cell - a form of thin-film solar cell. Rather than thick silicon plates, a molecular dye, which absorbs sunlight, is places on a thin film beneath a transparent electrode, used to capture the energy produced.
The technology, which mimics the photosynthesis process in plants, can absorb much lower levels of light than conventional solar cell technology, making it suitable for indoor light or cloudy conditions.
Electrochromic - substances that change colour or transparency when an electrical charge is applied, such as LCD displays.

Electrowetting - the process whereby the surface tension of a liquid on a solid surface can be modified by applying a voltage. The technology opens the possibility of low-power, colour and video-rate displays, according to developers like Liquavista and Gamma Dynamics.
E-paper - a display which mimics the effects of paper, reflecting light rather than being backlit, and is able to hold images without electronic stimulation until required.
Applications include e-readers, such as the Amazon Kindle, electronic shelf labels and other signage.
E-reader - a portable device mainly used for reading books or documents, using e-paper technology. Notable e-reader products include the Amazon Kindle and

Frontplane - The display of an electronic device, which can be made up of various elements.
Graphene - A thin yet strong material with excellent conductive properties. Formed from carbon atoms, graphene is more conductive than copper, and mixed into plastics, can turn them into strong semiconductors. Countries such as the UK are investing in graphene as its importance in plastic electronics technology increases.
Heterojunction - A junction between two semiconductors, they are often used in organic photovoltaics to transfer energy.
Hybrid electronics - a device or circuit that incorporates both organic and inorganic elements
Indium tin oxide - a transparent conducting coating used for many displays, such as flat screen televisions and OLED applications, and solar cells. It is not flexible, and is used in mainly rigid products. Concerns over supply and cost mean a number of companies are developing alternatives to ITO, such as PEDOT and carbon nanotube layers.
Inkjet - a printer which places droplets of ink onto a subject. It can be used with conductive ink to produce printed electronics, and is more precise in doing so.

Large-area electronics - Often manufactured using roll-to-roll techniques, large-area electronics are plastic electronics products printed on large substrates with the ability to cover more area, such as organic photovoltaics. Funding competitions have recently been announced to encourage collaboration on the development of large-area electronics.
Lumens per watt - The measurement of light output per electricity used, measured in watts. The higher the Lumens, and lower the wattage, the more efficient the product.
Nanoink - ink, formed of nanoparticles, which is able to conduct electricity. As an ink, it can be printed onto thin film, or paper, allowing it to conduct current.
Nanoparticles - particles with the dimensions of 100nm or less, extremely small, and able to be used with thin electronic circuits.
OLED display - a display made up of organic light emitting diodes, which emit light under electrical response. As they do not need a backlight, products using this display can be made thinner, and more flexible. OLED displays are already used in smartphones and are expected to increase in popularity with use in televisions during 2012
OLED light - a thin or flexible light panel, made of a single-colour OLED display.
Organic semiconductor - a carbon-based semiconductor, where the flow of electrons is regulated by the properties of the material used.
PEDOT - a polymer-based material used in the production of printed organic electronics, especially organic solar cells. The conductive layer material is considered a potential replacement for indium tin oxide. It could open a new avenue for nanoelectronic devices.
Photonics - the transmission, signal processing, amplification, detection and sensing of light. Comprising technologies such as LEDs, wireless sensor networks and solar cells, it is becoming increasingly convergent with organic electronics
PMOLED - Passive Matrix OLEDs are smaller than other OLEDs, are controlled in rows and columns, rather than by each individual pixel.
Printed battery - An energy storage device which is printed onto a flexible substrate, printed batteries are used to make a flexible electronic product remain so, with no rigid parts. They are often printed on paper.
Printed diagnostic devices / biosensor - electronic devices used in the detecting or sensing of medical conditions. Using printed electronic concepts, developers are working on cheap, disposable versions of these devices.
Printed electronics - an electronic circuit or device that is printed onto a substrate, rather than etched. They can be flexible, and thin, to aid the design of the products using them.

Quantum dots - a small particle of semiconductor material, which is able to be tuned to emit light of differing colours. They can also be used to capture light and convert it to energy in organic photovoltaics.
RFID - Radio Frequency ID is a method of transmitting data to a reader via radio frequencies. It can allow for products to be given unique ID codes, which can be easily scanned for information to appear. They do not need to be visible to be read. RFID technology has a number of potential uses, including healthcare.
Roll-to-roll - the process of creating flexible electronics, often meaning being printed on a roll of film, or plastic.
Smart packaging - product packaging with integrated electronics that is able to give a range of information, from transmitting ID codes, to informing doctors when a patient takes their pills. Animated logos and sensors for brand protection are also being designed. A number of companies are already pushing forward with pilot products.
Smart textiles and fabrics - a material with integrated electronic properties. This could be printed on to be used in electronic devices, like fibres, or actual clothing with sensors embedded to allow monitoring of various conditions. Smart textiles are also becoming increasingly common in fashion.
Spin coating - a process used to apply thin-film coating to substrates, where an excess layer of fluid is applied, and then the substrate is spun at high speed to spread the fluid thinly over the surface.
Spray coating - a process to apply flexible electronics to substrates, using a spray on technique which can be done at room temperature.
Thin-film - a layer of film, often around a nanometre thick. Used in roll-to-roll processes for electronic semiconductor production due to its cost.
Thin-film transistor - a transformer used in high-matrix LCD displays to control the individual sub-pixels.
Vacuum deposition - the process of depositing thin layers onto a substrate, such as a thin film. It is usually done in a vacuum.
Wearable electronics - electronic devices that are woven into fabrics, clothing and other material products. These could be monitors to measure various athletic or medical traits, such as heartbeat, perspiration or muscle control. They can also be used for novelty items or to act as chargers for mobile devices.

Flexible electronics now being integrated into cars, says supplier
Flexible displays are finding applications in the automotive industry, according to UK transistor developer FlexEnable.
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