Sabtu, 18 Mei 2024

Electronic Dream Works parts 2 with AMNIMARJESLOW 777 Circumstance to be Electronic SMART HOUSE HOLD SPIDER WHOOSSSSH , Welcome electronicxs data communication system component for good network in Machine learning and deep learning , Thanks 1973 singular orbital notes by Agustinus Manguntam Siber WIPER GLOCK in light Adminitrative Director Cloud

Electronic communication network towards a new world future order with superhuman humans on a journey through space and time in many spaces and dimensions. ____________________________________________________________________________ Electronic data communication system components in a network: the electronic network communication configuration is quite complicated but basically it is like a Star Trek unit where there is a video display terminal and a printer terminal as input and output devices. then the WIPER (Word Instruction Peripheral Energy Recoverable) unit, namely the power supply and data communication interface unit then computers ranging from microcomputers to supercomputers are important elements in an electronic communication network in artificial neural networks and learning machines where a central commuter is needed or we can call Cloud Administration force action. electronic networks carry out communications in networks that are spread outside in three dimensions or four dimensions, namely in many different regions and places on earth, even in five dimensions, namely communication between planets and WIPER GLOCK stars outside the solar system, computer data communication systems are carried out in the cloud Administration Force actions to control, coordinate and monitor data transmission; A cloud administration sequence follows the rules of the legal articles of the flow diagram which before and after it becomes a data and object communication protocol both in numerical analysis and the sequence of information articles. Electronic network optimization systems are currently still at the stage of moving and transmitting data from electronic equipment to electronic equipment in protocol systems that we often hear about, namely internet, LAN (Local Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network), E-Mail, ATM , Qris and so on are all still based on the articles on the flow diagram of terminals, modems, interface units and computers. There are also electronic system networks which are mutiplexer and concentrator networks, this network communicates with a central computer at a relatively lower speed. registrars (clerks) entering order data, for example, work at a slower speed than the speed at which the computer processes data, this will create inefficient and high-cost communication resources, therefore a combination of higher speeds is needed in the communication network. Let's see what a multiplexer is, which is part of the electronic switching technique for automatic electronic machines. A multiplexer is a tool that can make communication work. First the multiplexer combines slow speed signals and transmits them via a single high speed channel, at the reception end another multiplexer converts or demultiplexes the signals, by using a single channel together communication costs can be reduced. Come on, let's examine what a concentrator is, which combines high-speed signals that can be programmed. With this analysis, a concentrator can also be called a smart multiplexer or act as a smart multiplexer. The concentrator application is programmed to combine messages from several different sources and store them for transmission at once. This is a transmission between continents and a special 4-dimensional space and in accounting terms is appropriate.
There are various network methods and protocols in smart electronic network communication, namely communication with software, namely programming languages; such as the oldest programming language BASIC, Visual Basic, dote note, then JAVA, C, C++, then the object-based one released by Microsoft, namely Rust, the one released by Google, namely Go programmable.language, Facebook released the META programming language, and so on. every electronic device that communicates with each other must send or receive data via a network or protocol created and regulated in the cloud force administration article flow diagram. If we refer to the software article, it is responsible for managing functions starting from making connections between equipment and the network to disconnecting the channel when the transmission is complete. because every electronic equipment has and also electronic computers will have their own characteristics in a network of electronic machines and communication handling is different in handling transfer data and recipient data, this is where they must be able to convert the rules of one device to the rules of another device, the task is as follows: translator or interpreter, and if an error occurs during the transmission process, the cloud force administration article program must be able to convert the error detection and correct it. There is also a cloud administration article protocol program to record communications activities, using these records, communications electronics experts can use these records to determine how the network is used. Information like this is very helpful if design modifications are used and carried out to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of modern electronic networks in the future (Hardware × Software + Networking = 777)
articles or legal appeals flow diagrams in the administrative cloud are programs that can create WIPER (Word Instruction Peripheral Energy Recovery) from house hold and/or leading end processors to build, coordinate, monitor and control data flows through electronic network data communication systems. The following are some of the tasks prepared for the integrated electronic machine tool network protocol program; 1. open and close communication channels, 2. find and correct transmission errors precisely, quickly and accurately, 3. coordinate heavy use of communication channels, 4. circulate data transmissions, 5. store and calculate statistical data and numerical analysis. So geographically, space and 3 and 4 dimensional trajectories are fulfilled in terms of data communication and its direction.
This now we look : __________________ 1. Electronic communication includes a broad range of methods, such as email, instant messaging, text messaging, online chat rooms and forums, social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and video conferencing tools like Skype and Zoom. 2. Modern communication systems include satellite, fiber optic, mobile cellular phone, microwave systems, and Internet communications; as well as cable TV, AM and FM radio, VHF, UHF, HDTV, shortwave, fire, police, telephone, fax, voice, TV, local government, and computer networking systems. 3.Electronic communication is any form of communication that's broadcast, transmitted, stored or viewed using electronic media, such as computers, phones, email and video. 4.Technology has revolutionized communication in the modern world by making it faster, easier, and more efficient. With the advent of smartphones, laptops, and other internet-enabled devices, people can communicate with each other from anywhere in the world in real-time. 5. Electronic communication can be classified into different types like messaging, voice call, e-mail, social media, etc. We know that e-communication has changed due to the way public interact and communicate with each other for different purposes like personal or business. 6. The specific characteristics of electronic communication mentioned in the paper are the ability to compose electronic messages, identify recipients, include message content, and choose between immediate or delayed sharing options. 7. Modern requirements for communications include the need to communicate over great distances as accurately and quickly as possible. 8. Modern technology has revolutionized the way we live and work. From smartphones, laptops, and computers to advanced medical equipment, autonomous vehicles, and transportation systems, these are just a few examples of how technology has made our lives easier and more efficient. 9. Communication service providers include phone companies, satellite companies, and internet service providers (ISP). 10. modern communications technology. Therefore, one- and two-way communication systems have been investigated for their specific advantages in the improvement of driver information, safety, and traffic flow. The possibilities of various cellular communications systems are presented. Autonomous in-car navigation systems have reached marketability, and are able to perform static route guidance for drivers. These systems can be improved by giving them a knowledge of the current traffic situation to enable dynamic route guidance. This information can be transmitted via different communication systems,
Scoping Electronic Communication Privacy Rules: Data, Services and Values _________________________________________________________________________ We use electronic communication networks for more than simply traditional telecommunications: we access the news, buy goods online, file our taxes, contribute to public debate, and more. As a result, a wider array of privacy interests is implicated for users of electronic communications networks and services. . This development calls into question the scope of electronic communications privacy rules. framework for analysing the scope of electronic communications privacy rules using three approaches: (i) a service-centric approach, (ii) a data-centric approach, and (iii) a value-centric approach . Web browsing and using online video services also fall within the legal definition of communication in the e-Privacy Directive. 1. What is traffic data? Traffic data is defined as: “any data processed for the purpose of the conveyance of a communication on an electronic communications network or for the billing in respect of that communication and includes data relating to the routing, duration or time of a communication. This includes information about the routing or timing of any phone call, text or email, whether it relates to an individual or a company. The focus here is on data collected and processed by a public communications provider. It is not likely to include data collected by another party via another route (eg data collected directly from nearby mobile devices by an organisation’s wi-fi equipment). 2. What are the rules on traffic data? The rules on traffic data are in regulations ; Only public communications providers, or those acting under their authority, can process traffic data. In summary, if you are processing traffic data, you must: only use it for permitted purposes; give your customers information about the processing; get their consent for certain uses of the data; and erase or anonymise it as soon as you have finished with it (unless another law requires you to keep it). There is an exemption for emergency alerts where a relevant public authority needs to warn, advise or inform users or subscribers of an emergency in their location. 3. What can we use traffic data for? Network providers can only process traffic data: to manage billing or traffic; to handle customer enquiries; to prevent or detect fraud. Service providers can also process traffic data: to market electronic communication services (with consent); to provide a ‘value-added service’ (with consent). 4. How long can we keep traffic data? The general rule is that you must erase or anonymise the data when it is no longer needed to transmit a communication – in other words, as soon as the message has been sent or the phone call has ended. 5. What is location data? Location data is defined as: “any data processed in an electronic communications network or by an electronic communications service indicating the geographical position of the terminal equipment of a user of a public electronic communications service, including data relating to— (f) the latitude, longitude or altitude of the terminal equipment; (g) the direction of travel of the user; or (h) the time the location information was recorded”. 6. What is a ‘value-added service’? A ‘value-added service’ is defined as: “any service which requires the processing of traffic data or location data beyond that which is necessary for the transmission of a communication or the billing in respect of that communication”. This may include, for example, a call service that locates the driver of a broken-down vehicle, a ‘find my phone’ service offered by a mobile provider, or a mobile network operator using their customers’ location to target location-specific content. 7. Technology in communication used is to create interfaces that allow speakers to utter anything they want. The perfect speech-enabled system should require no training, therewith making human-computer interaction efficient. The current methods and technologies in Human-Computer Interaction are trying to mix former methods of interaction with other sophisticated technologies such as networking and animation. Since this new improvement can be categorized in three sections. They are wearable devices [3], wireless devices [4], and virtual devices [5]. HCI is related to social media. They use certainly connected with youths’ communication network diversity that is positively connected with social fundamental and subjective prosperity [6]. It also gives opportunities for communication or discourse about big issues on a global scale [7].Social media is an important part of human life because it is a platform that connects one individual with other individuals around the world. The need to use social media does not look at age and social status. [8]. It has various other functions including being used to communicate across cultures and adapt to other cultures, find new friends and find partners from other regions or countries, become a means of entertainment, information, education, advertising, business, tourism, and culinary. ==============================================================================

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