Flying car definition : “A flying car is a hybrid vehicle that combines fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft capabilities.”
Another way to understand this, is to think of a flying car as being part helicopter, and part airplane.
This is essentially a “mechanical” definition, but there is more to the flying car story than just mechanics. Software development in the field of autonomous systems is a crucial component in making these vehicles not just an interesting research project, but also an appealing business solution for transportation needs. In short, combined wing capabilities make flying cars possible, and autonomy makes them viable.
To fully understand the revolution these vehicles represent, it’s important to recognize the advantages that come with effectively combining fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft capabilities. Let’s look at the pros and cons of a helicopter (rotary flight) and a plane (wing flight), so that we can understand why combining both capabilities is an optimal solution.
After a long and interesting description of some concepts about the flying car, this is the final article on that hybrid vehicle.
Talking about the flying cars deals with many motoring meanings. The NASA analyzes the definition of the flying cars. Of course, some movies offer representations about that hybrid vehicles. In the previous article, I wrote on points presenting some models from America and Europe which built the history of the flying cars. Through some examples, I tried to understand why people wanted to invent that kind of transport. So how to define the flying cars through three concepts :
A Flying Flivver replica considered as the "Ford T of the air" .
In 2003, a project called Aeoronautics Vehicles System program was developped by the NASA. What was the idea under that large project? Defining the main elements of the flying cars in our modern society, I'm sure SpaceX, Elon Musk' entreprise, was interested in the old concept. Previously, Henry Ford predicted the conception of flying car in 1940 saying some words :
Ford's plane, the Flying Shivver, was far away to complete the standards chosen by the engineers of the NASA. It was a simple aircraft but the inventor of the amazing Tin Lizzie has some original ideas. What are the main elements to build a viable flying car? It would be a quiet and confortable vehicle which is driven/flown at speed of 150/200 mph (or 240/320 km/h). You wouldn't need to have a pilot license but just a driving license without forgetting the affordable prices of the flying cars. We can imagine a flying sportive utilitarian vehicles for your family or a supercar imagining a Renault Espace or a flying Porsche 911.
The eighth episode of Star Wars is released on 13th december 2017. George Lucas created an universe around a wealth and original history 40 years ago. The future of the transportation is well represented by the hovercrafts and space ships. Later, Back to the future showed the hovercrafts in details when Marty comes in the future in the second opus.
So what do science think about the hovercrafts?
Finally, the flying hovercraft doesn't need wheels to fly freely in the air. We can divide the hovercrafts is two categories. The maritime hovercrafts flew on the water and can be driven on the roads whereas the flying hovercrafts are imaginative hybrid vehicles in the retrofuturism, a social artwork about the future of the transportation.
More than a Convair 116, a flying car includes complex environmental and aeronautical regulations .
Defining a flying car means to know the environmental regulations and aeronautic rules around the concepts of the cars and the planes. We enter into a new electric motoring era after a long and interesting development of the diesel engines. The environmental regulations are becoming more important with some initiatives in the big cities. The T-charge (around £10) will be add to the Congestion charges in London. The old cars aged of 20 years will be banned in Paris too.
The flying cars would be able to respect these environmental rules on the roads. After pointing out the terrestrial pollution, we have to think of the atmospheric pollution as the naval engineers have done in the shipping. The atmospheric busy corridors became a real problem in the transport. You have to fly on invisible roads in the air too. How to manage to introduce the flying cars in the air which the pollution is increased by the traffic jam?
Creating new rules for personal air vehicles would be a solution. There are some advantages and inconveniences. Increasing the numbers of safety rules is a concret goal but a long issue. The Federation Internationale automobile (FIA) tries to improve the motoring safety on the roads. The results of the new regulation to drive safely are a long process. Moreover, the aeronautical rules are so complex too. Finding a harmonious compromise stays the best solution.
Some drivetribers told it's important the engines of the flying cars have to be powerful keeping a certain stability for the passengers. Indeed, landing on the roads is not easy for planes. They need a certain distance without mentioning the noises of the engines in an urban environment. Finally, the flying cars would be a vertical takeoff and landing vehicle called briefly a VTOL.
System' okey !
What is a flying car? Is it a pointless car . Is it a real concept as we saw it with the Taylor aerocar or the new aeromobil 3.0? Is it an old concept imagined by a former engineer from Ford in 1917? Defining a large and theorithical concept is hard because you can develop different ideas about the flying cars. Would you want to have a roadable aircraft or a hovercrafts with wheel or not? Anyway, a flying car is a personal air vehicle, an intermodal passenger transport and an environmental and engineering hybrid vehicle .
Rotary Wing Aircraft
The primary advantage of a rotary wing is its capacity for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL). Why is this an advantage? Because it removes the need for a runway. As WIRED recently noted, “VTOL technology means aircraft can theoretically take off and land almost anywhere, making them far more flexible.”
In addition to VTOL capabilities, another benefit is ease of control. A helicopter can hover in place pretty accurately, which makes it safe to navigate an urban environment where you might need to stop at several waypoints, and where speed needs to be constantly modulated to respond to external conditions.
So what’re the disadvantages of rotary wing aircraft?
- Inefficiency: Hovering in place requires a lot of power to keep the rotors turning to generate the required lift. As a consequence, the allowed payload is drastically reduced, and is the flight time.
- Lack of Speed: Rotary wing vehicles are considerably slower than airplanes.
- Noise: Rotating blades are very noisy.
- Control challenges: Helicopters have a major flaw—if they should lose power, you need a highly-trained helicopter pilot who can execute autorotation to land the vehicle.
Fixed-Wing Aircraft
Let’s now consider fixed-wing aircraft (aka a “typical” airplane). The advantages of fixed-wing aircraft are numerous:
- Speed: An airplane goes much faster than a helicopter.
- Efficiency: Instead of using a motor to spin the blades, a fixed-wing aircraft uses its motion through the air to keep air flowing through the wings and generate lift.
- Payload and distance: Thanks to its speed and efficiency, this vehicle can carry much heavier payloads and travel longer distances than a rotary wing.
- Control: If motors fail, the vehicle will not fall from the sky; a pilot still has control and can take it to the ground safely.
As to the main disadvantages of fixed-wing aircraft, there are two:
- They require long runways for takeoff and landing.
- Hover is not possible, making air traffic operations trickier in the presence of many vehicles.
It should be noted that the features that a flying car utilizes from a fixed-wing aircraft and a rotary wing aircraft are not necessarily a perfect reconciliation; noise and weight disadvantages of a rotary wing vehicle remain. But it’s pretty close to ideal, and it’s why flying cars represent such a compelling mechanical breakthrough.
If you want to know more about the technical aspects of path planning, controls, flight estimation, and autonomous flight is the place for you to learn the technical skills, alongside the tools you need to create real-world applications.
The VTOL Multirotor
There are two visions of the flying car. The most common is VTOL — vertical takeoff and landing — something that may have no wheels at all because it’s more a helicopter than a car or airplane. The recent revolution in automation and stability for multirotor helicopters — better known as drones — is making people wonder when we’ll get one able to carry a person. Multirotors almost exclusively use electric motors because you must adjust speed very quickly to get stability and control. You also want the redundancy of multiple motors and power systems, so you can lose a rotor or a battery and still fly.
This creates a problem because electric batteries are heavy. It takes a lot of power to fly this way. Carrying more batteries means more weight — and thus more power needed to carry the batteries. There are diminishing returns, and you can’t get much speed, power or range before the batteries are dead. OK in a 3 kilo drone, not OK in a 150 kilo one.
Lots of people are experimenting with combining multirotor for takeoff and landing, and traditional “fixed wing” (standard airplane) designs to travel any distance. This is a great deal more efficient, but even so, still a challenge to do with batteries for long distance flight. Other ideas including using liquid fuels some way. Those include just using a regular liquid fuel motor to run a generator (not very efficient) or combining direct drive of a master propeller with fine-control electric drive of smaller propellers for the dynamic control needed.
Another interesting option is the autogyro, which looks like a helicopter but needs a small runway for takeoff.
The traditional aircraft
Some “flying car” efforts have made airplanes whose wings fold up so they can drive on the road. These have never “taken off” — they usually end up a compromise that is not a very good car or a very good plane. They need airports but you can keep driving from the airport. They are not autonomous.
Robocars offer an interesting alternative. You can build a system where a robocar takes you from home to the best local short airstrip, taking you right out to an autonomous aircraft that is sitting waiting. You transfer, and it immediately takes off and flies you to another short airstrip, where another robocar awaits you. This allows you to travel in a car that’s a car and a plane that’s a plane, with no compromise.
The big challenges
Automating the intense level of safety and equipment reliability
In general, planes today are not fast modes of travel for their pilots. A typical small aircraft owner going out to fly has to drive to an airport that’s not very convenient, park and get their plane. (If they planned ahead, the hangar crew has taken their plane out and done the basics on it.) Even with the prep, there is a fairly long pre-flight check to do, assuring everything is just so, checking fuel levels with your eyes as well as instruments and more. Then you go through a dance with the control tower, taxi around (possibly in line behind others) and eventually get to take off and start climbing. Only then are you on your way. At the other end, you do it all in reverse, tie down and hangar your plane, and find your way to a rental car or ground transportation. For trips of under 100 miles, it’s not usually worth it.
Autonomous flying cars require more than just well built and superbly safe flying systems. (Flying itself is actually a pretty easy robotics problem.) It’s all the other stuff that will be the challenge. Because failures of equipment while up in the air can be so dangerous, vehicles must be maintained and checked to a level that is orders of magnitude greater than what we do with cars. If your car engine conks out, you pull off to the side of the road. If your brakes go out, it’s bad, but you apply the emergency brake and call a tow truck.
We’ll demand fail-safe operation for all parts of the flying car. It will have to be able to lose any major component and get you down safely.
Problem number one for VTOL is noise. Helicopters are not anywhere near silent. You might crave one for yourself, but no way you’ll accept your neighbours constantly flying helicopters in and out of their backyard, next to yours, at all hours. Not compared to the silence of the electric car.
Even if we have VTOL cars, we might still limit their operations (especially at night) to special landing yards. Your robotaxi could get you to the landing yard so it’s not as much of a burden, but using your own yard (unless you have a large estate, or live in a high-rise building with a heliport on top) is going to be difficult.
Right now, multirotor aircraft use a lot of energy to fly. Ground cars can be much more efficient. Society as a whole is seeking to greatly improve the efficiency of our transportation, not make it worse. Unless we make the flying car super efficient, it will be relegated only to speciality use, where the ground car just won’t work.
Fixed wing aircraft can be more efficient. Jets are very wasteful but lower speed aircraft can be efficient after takeoff.
Crowded skies
If personal flight becomes very popular, we would face the prospect of a sky seriously crowded with the vehicles in urban spaces. Computer systems could probably handle management of the traffic, since in 3 dimensions you get extra room, though you want much longer headways than cars use. In addition to being a visible blight and a noise source, there will be some safety concerns. Even a tiny number of these vehicles falling out of the sky and hitting things (or people) on the ground will cause more concern than cars do, even though they depart the road and hit people. This would be added to the large traffic in cargo drones.
The traffic management is non-trivial, but I believe it can be solved. There are still issues even after it’s solved.
One of the places we might see radical change quickly is in tourism. If it’s cheap and easy, tourists will want to see everything from a flying car, especially one that can hover. Every amazing view, every scene, every architectural wonder, every city, will probably be best viewed from the air, or certainly desirable to view from the air as well as the ground. Every hiking trail you’ve not taken to some interesting sight will become a potential place people would like to go in their flying car.
Outside the cities, the problems of the flying cars are less present. The flights will be short and slow. You can travel to special locations for takeoff and landing, and make noise there. The territory will be rural or parkland in many cases, with more modest crowds and nobody to fall on in the event of rare safety failures.
Public transport
Since we can’t make a multirotor for a single person, talking about group vehicles is even more premature, but we already have lots of public transit aviation today. Right now it’s done at airports, and never used for short distances because you spend far more time going through the airport than in the air. A Robocar Airport it’s possible to make a much more efficient airport even for traditional planes. It would be great to go further and imagine the “flying bus” — an automated vehicle for a small group which is less like an airplane and more like one of the vans . There, travel is coordinated and 10-20 single person robocars would converge within a minute of one another next to the autonomous flying bus. They would quickly get in — no security for something this small and fast — and within one minute be taking off down the runway.
Such a service might be better than things like high-speed rail for travel in big cities. Because it can go from any airport to any airport — or with VTOL from any landing yard to any landing yard — such vehicles would offer superior travel times, free from congestion. If a flying bus service took you from Silicon Valley to San Francisco’s ferry terminal in 15 minutes at a decent price, it would be quite popular and displace car traffic.
Specialty uses
If we don’t let everybody fly all the time, who will be the special cases we let fly? Will it simply be the rich who pay a high fee for the opportunity? (The fee can’t be so high as to match the cost of a helicopter today.)
- The flying ambulance is an obvious win — though we’re not at the level of building electric multirotors that could fly something that heavy. The lack of emergency vehicles on the regular roads will also improve traffic for others.
- Some delivery will go by drone, though perhaps only the light and urgent packages.
- There could be a lottery or other allocation, letting people fly some days, but not most.
- Government officials will certainly want to claim they have the importance to justify this. In some cases (like VIPs so big they close roads for their motorcades) this is a win for all.
- The police will clearly do this, as will some portion of fire crews (those not carrying heavy gear.) Anybody who uses helicopters today.
- People who live or work in remote country locations who can make what noise they want at their home, and mostly fly over uninhabited country.
- People populating mountainsides in crowded cities, though possibly only to transfer to a robotaxi in the flatlands.
- People living on islands in seaside cities, though possibly only to transfer to a robotaxi on shore.
- Flying carpooling (above and beyond the transit described below.) This requires multi-person flying cars.
robocars :
Example Kitty Hawk — a prototype flying car.
This is yet another piece of evidence that making a personal flying drone is certainly doable and going to happen. we even think the air traffic control problems can be solved .
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