Rabu, 29 April 2020

JESI ISE loves 2 in 1 (Modern Human and Humanoid ROBO), and makes something SUPER (Situation Unpredictable make it Prediction to End and Recoverable) with POWER (Principe Orientation Winner Energy and Response) for life in the future we face because we have the gift of grace from Father in heaven so that we are given the country as the Kingdom of SUPER POWER in the auspices of the Kingdom of Father in Heaven towards life on planets outside planet Earth especially the carrying capacity of the new Mars to the next timer jump outside the solar system timer. support for Pro Life, Pro Family, Pro Gun, Pro Modern Life as changes in technological aspects of the future: Electronic + Math + Value benefits Individuals outside Social anthropology + Bio electronic + Physic Timer __ Thank yume to Lord Jesus and My Family so do My Friend __ Gen . Mac Tech for changes in the functions of mathematical functions in advancements in the field of electronic engineering technology welcomes Pro Modern Live outside planet Earth (the earth is limited in the development of individual Value benefits due to socially formed).

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                                                Gen Mac Tech on 30 Apr 2020

Gen . Mac Tech for changes in the functions of mathematical functions in advancements in the field of electronic engineering technology welcomes Pro Modern Live outside planet Earth (the earth is limited in the development of individual Value benefits due to socially formed).

                                                  BASIC OF SUPER POWER

The top 20 artificial intelligence films - in pictures | Culture ...

   Polygons (Geometry, Similarity) – Mathplanet Will Robots Ever Have Emotions? | Psychology Today Human-robot collaboration | KUKA AG

                               RATIO LOGIC MATH ( ALGEBRA and TRIGONOMETRY )

Math logic ratios in mathematics are divided into several theories and concepts:

1. Polynomials
2. Rational Expression
3. Exponent and Radicals
4. Complex Number
5. Boolean Algebra
6. Calculator using concept and skills that you have encounter in previous Ratio
    Logic Math .

will then be reviewed :

1. Math Science .
2. Electronic Probability prediction .
3. Influence Math Social for team value per individual .
4. Electronic Math .
5. Bio Electronic .
6. Physic Timer .
7. Math Modern Human for Tomorrow with Electronic Technology Power .


                                                     RATIO LOGIC MATH 

Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways. Mathematics has itself been described as an art motivated by beauty

                                     rocket with vector

Ratio Formula. When we compare the relationship between two numbers dealing with a kind, then we use the ratio formula. It is denoted as a separation between the number with a colon (:). Sometimes a division sign is also used to express ratios.

ratio is a relationship between two numbers that defines the quantity of the first in comparison to the second. For example, for most mammals, the ratio of legs to noses is 4:1, but for humans, the ratio of legs to noses is 2:1.
Ratios can be written in the fractional form, so comparing three boys with five girls could be written 3:5 or \frac{3}{5}.
When quantities are proportional, their ratios are equal. For example, the ratios \frac{2}{5} and \frac{8}{20} are proportional. Note that \frac{4}{10} and \frac{12}{30} are equivalent fractions because they both simplify to \frac{2}{5}.
To use proportions to solve ratio word problems, we need to follow these steps:
  1. Identify the known ratio and the unknown ratio.
  2. Set up the proportion.
  3. Cross-multiply and solve.
  4. Check the answer by plugging the result into the unknown ratio.   
Ratios are mathematical expressions that compare two or more numbers. They can compare absolute quantities and amounts or can be used to compare portions of a larger whole. Ratios can be calculated and written in several different ways, but the principles guiding the use of ratios are universal to all.

                                         * Ratio Problems in Math Science *

Scientists in the early modern era proved not only the power of math but also of simplicity. Johannes Kepler brought about a revolution in human understanding of the world by proposing that the planets orbited the sun in ellipses. His model was borne out by the fact it predicted the apparent motion of celestial bodies far better than the geocentric Ptolemaic system; using his system, Kepler was the first to realize that Venus would cross between Earth and the sun, making a visible transit. Kepler’s work also became a model for how to do science. He described the motion of the planets with a few simple, very general laws, in contrast to the Ptolemaic system, which depended on a great deal of complexity, including the notorious epicycles—orbits within orbits. Researchers increasingly wanted to see equations, like Kepler’s, that represented the universe’s truths—not fiddly, messy systems crafted by tinkerers. Perhaps the high-water mark of this quest is E= m c ^ 2, the shockingly simple relation between mass and energy, and one of the few equations that most people remember. These clean, mathematical explanations are not only preferred; scientists say they are downright beautiful.
But simple, beautiful mathematical explanations can make us greedy. While we wish for all explanations of the world around us to be elegant, science often involves “the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact,” in the words of biologist Thomas Henry Huxley. Before positing elliptical orbits, Kepler himself succumbed to the desire for beauty when he suggested that the planets’ orbits could be modeled as the Platonic solids nested inside each other. His theory was beautiful, but it was soundly disproved by later observations of the outer planets. In a way, it was almost too beautiful to be right. But beauty cannot be our only metric; beauty must be hampered by reality, if it is to have anything to say about the world around us. Gustav Fechner, a 19th-century psychologist, tried to experimentally prove that people naturally preferred golden rectangles in all kinds of settings, an effort that has not been borne out by subsequent research. It seems he was misled by his “vision of a unified world of thought, spirit and matter, linked together by the mystery of numbers.” This tendency can lead us astray. We see the golden ratio where it doesn’t really exist, and concoct beautiful theories that don’t describe reality.
So, like fractals, the golden ratio unites different areas of mathematics together. Interestingly, it is also found in many places in nature. For example, evidence of the golden ratio has been detected at the quantum level, where magnetic atoms linked together seem to vibrate at frequencies described by Ο†. On the macroscopic scale, the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio describe the natural arrangements of seeds and leaves on many plants. If you examine the packing of seeds on the head of a sunflower, there are a series of clockwise and counterclockwise spirals, which generally appear in successive Fibonacci numbers. The plants are precise enough with their math that one especially robust sunflower reportedly had exactly 233 spirals of seeds one way and 144 the other. In addition, the golden ratio can be converted into an angular version (approximately 137.5 degrees), which specifies the rotational gap between successive sunflower seeds, and also between leaves growing from the stems of many other plants. In both these cases, it is thought that the golden angle allows for the most efficient packing scheme possible, as described by Mario Livio in his book The Golden Ratio. Phi is sometimes called “the most irrational number,” meaning that it is the hardest to approximate with a ratio of rational numbers. This means that by offsetting each leaf by the golden angle from the one below it, the leaves will not line up in stacks, with one on top of another and gaps in between—they instead come in the tightly packed spirals we see in nature.
Phi has also had an interesting role in aesthetics. For centuries, some people have argued that rectangles that have golden proportions are the most pleasing to the human eye. This has inspired artists like Salvador Dali and the architect Le Corbusier to use the golden ratio in their art. Dali’s Sacrament of the Last Supper, for instance, is painted on a large golden-rectangle canvas, and Jesus and his apostles are framed by a somewhat incongruous dodecahedron, one of the Platonic solids. Le Corbusier developed an entire system of measurement called Modulor based on the golden ratio and the human body, which he used in many of his architectural drawings.
                                                     The Golden Ratio
It is a mathematical ratio that seems to appear recurrently in beautiful things in nature as well as in other things that are seen as “Beautiful”. The “Golden Ratio” is a mathematical ratio of 1.618:1, and the number 1.618 is called “Phi“. The golden ratio, also known by the letter Ο†, or phi (usually pronounced “fie” in English), is one of those few. An irrational number that begins 1.618…, it describes an important kind of geometrical proportion—specifically, an elegant way to divide a line segment. Imagine we divide a segment (a) into a longer part (b) and a shorter part (c). If the ratio of a to b is the same as b to c, then that single ratio is golden. A rectangle whose sides are lengths a and b is called a golden rectangle, and it’s found in the geometry of a regular pentagon and the Platonic solids, five fundamental 3-D shapes, including the cube. The golden ratio is also tightly connected with the mathematically important Fibonacci sequence: The ratios of successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence converge to the golden ratio.
The golden ratio (symbol is the Greek letter "phi" shown at left) is a special number approximately equal to 1.618. It appears many times in geometry, art, architecture and other areas. This ideal ratio is used by many because of its apparent lure of the human eye. The Golden Ratio has been said to be the most appealing ratio, and is therefore used frequently. Everything from commercial advertising companies, to painters, to even doctors incorporate this 'magical' ratio into their work. Phi is the basis for the Golden Ratio, Section or Mean The ratio, or proportion, determined by Phi (1.618 ...) was known to the Greeks as the "dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio" and to Renaissance artists as the "Divine Proportion" It is also called the Golden Section, Golden Ratio and the Golden MeanMath manifests itself everywhere. One such example is the Golden Ratio. ... In mathematics, the Fibonacci sequence is the ordering of numbers in the following integer sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144… and so on forever. Each number is the sum of the two numbers that precede it. It is found in the ratio of the diameters of Saturn and its rings. It is also the ratio of the distances of Venus and the Earth from the Sun. Interestingly, the ratio of the revolutions of these two planets also yields the golden ratioHere are some of them:
  • Flower petals. number of petals in a flower is often one of the following numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 or 55. ...
  • Faces. Faces, both human and nonhuman, abound with examples of the Golden Ratio. ...
  • Body parts. ...
  • Seed heads. ...
  • 5. Fruits, Vegetables and Trees. ...
  • Shells. ...
  • Spiral Galaxies. ...
  • Hurricanes.
In mathematics, two quantities are in the supergolden ratio if the quotient of the larger number divided by the smaller one is equal to
which is the only real solution to the equation . It can also be represented using the hyperbolic cosine as:
The decimal expansion of this number begins 1.465571231876768026656731…, and the ratio is commonly represented by the Greek letter  (psi). Its reciprocal is:
The supergolden ratio is also the fourth smallest Pisot number .
Many of the properties of the supergolden ratio are related to those of the golden ratio. For example, the nth item of Narayana's sequence is the number of ways to tile a 1×n rectangle with 1×1 and 1×3 tiles, while the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence is the number of ways to tile a 1×n rectangle with 1×1 and 1×2 tiles.[nb 2] Ο†−1=Ο†−1, and ψ−1=ψ−2. . In Fibonacci's rabbit problem, each pair breeds each cycle starting after two cycles, while in Narayana's cow problem, each pair breeds each cycle starting after three cycles. There is a supergolden rectangle that has the property that if a square is removed from one side, the remaining rectangle can be divided into two supergolden rectangles of opposite orientations.
Another example is that both the golden ratio and the supergolden ratio are Pisot numbers. The supergolden ratio's algebraic conjugates are  and have a magnitude of , as the product of the roots of  is 1.

Supergolden rectangle 

This diagram shows the lengths of decreasing powers within a supergolden rectangle, and the pattern of intersecting right angles that appears as a result
supergolden rectangle is a rectangle whose side lengths are in the supergolden ratio, i.e. that the length of the longer side divided by the length of the shorter side is equal to , the supergolden ratio ψ. When a square with the same side length as the shorter side of the rectangle is removed from one side of the rectangle, the sides resulting rectangle will be in a ψ2:1 ratio. This rectangle can be divided into rectangles with side-length ratios of ψ:1 and 1:ψ, two supergolden ratios of perpendicular orientations, and their areas will be in a ψ2:1 ratio. In addition, if the line that separates the two supergolden rectangles from each other is extended across the rest of the original rectangle such that it, along with the side of the square that was removed from the original rectangle, divides the original rectangle into quadrants, then the larger supergolden rectangle has the same area as the opposite quadrant, its diagonal length is the length of the short side of the original rectangle divided by √ψ, the fourth quadrant is also a supergolden rectangle, and its diagonal length is √ψ times the length of the short side of the original rectangle .
Solutions to equations similar to 


                                    ELECTRONIC DEVICE FOR CALCULATE

device that performs logic and arithmetic digital operations based on numerical data which are entered by pressing numerical and control keys. Also known as calculating machine.

Some of the early counting devices include:
  • fingers.
  • stones.
  • wooden sticks.
  • pebbles.
  • cowries.
  • notch sticks.  

The first handheld calculator was a prototype called "Cal Tech", whose development was led by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments in 1967. It could add, multiply, subtract, and divide, and its output device was a paper tape. 

In 1642, the first true “calculator” was invented: one that performed calculations through a clockwork-type of mechanism. The Pascal calculator, invented by French inventor and mathematician Blaise Pascal, was lauded for attempting arithmetic calculations previously thought impossible.

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) The first general purpose programmable electronic computer was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), built by J. Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania.

Charles Babbage  : We could argue that the first computer was the abacus or its descendant, the slide rule, invented by William Oughtred in 1622. But the first computer resembling today's modern machines was the Analytical Engine, a device conceived and designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871.
Six (6) problems or disadvantages of early counting devices
  • They cannot be used to count large numbers. ...
  • They are bulky. ...
  • Using them consumes a lot of time. ...
  • As a follow up to the above, it is prone to errors. ...
  • They are limited in scope and cannot go beyond certain numbers.

To find this multiply the width of the floor-board in feet times the length in feet. You can use our feet and inches calculator to convert the board width in inches to feet. To find the number of boards you need, divide the total deck square footage by the board square footage, eg. total ft2 / board ft2

there are 3 types of computer, analog, digital ND hybrid.

The four basic types of computers are as under:
  • 1​Supercomputer.
  • 2​Mainframe Computer.
  • 3​Minicomputer.
  • 4​Microcomputer. 

DIFFERENT TYPES OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS. A computer is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. There are different types of computer system: Personal computer, Workstation, Minicomputer, Mainframe and Supercomputer.

Computers differ based on their data processing abilities. They are classified according to purpose, data handling and functionality. According to purpose, computers are either general purpose or specific purpose. General purpose computers are designed to perform a range of tasks.

Read-only memory, or ROM, is a form of data storage in computers and other electronic devices that can not be easily altered or reprogrammed. RAM is referred to as volatile memory and is lost when the power is turned off whereas ROM in non-volatile and the contents are retained even after the power is switched off. 

On the basis of size there are four types of computer. They are minicomputer, micro computer, mainframe computer and super computer. Super computer is the fastest, most expensive, big in size, and most powerful computer that can perform multiple tasks within no second. 

Calculate, calculator, device, electronic, machine, math, multimedia icon

                                                    calculate, calculator, device, electronic, machine, math, multimedia icon



icons in Outline style


                Artificial Intelligence Electronics for calculate and decisions maker

  How to Calculate Cannabis Taxes at Your Dispensary

Calculators do not have decision making abilities. So you cannot consider calculator as a AI device. ... They have decision making ability. Unlike calculatorsAI devices are not explicitly programmed and they solve tasks by their own developed intelligence rather than what a programmer has told them to do.
 create an Artificial Intelligence ; 
There are four essential steps:
  1. Test your problem-solution fit.
  2. Play the data-gathering / AI building game.
  3. Build your product.
  4. Develop a means for improving your AI.
There are so many amazing ways artificial intelligence and machine learning are used behind the scenes to impact our everyday livesAI assists in every area of our lives, whether we're trying to read our emails, get driving directions, get music or movie recommendations. ... Email communications. Web searching. 

Microsoft has Cortana, a virtual assistant; chatbots to run Skype and answer customer service queries or provide information like weather or travel information updates. The company has implemented smart features in its Office. Other companies can use Microsoft's AI Platform to create their own intelligent tools.

Currently AI is Used is Following Things/Fields:
  • Retail, Shopping and Fashion.
  • Security and Surveillance.
  • Sports Analytics and Activities.
  • Manufacturing and Production.
  • Live Stock and Inventory Management.
  • Self-driving Cars or Autonomous Vehicles.
  • Healthcare and Medical Imaging Analysis.
  • Warehousing and Logistic Supply Chain.

There are 3 types of artificial intelligence (AI): narrow or weak AI, general or strong AI, and artificial superintelligence. We have currently only achieved narrow AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer sciences that emphasizes the development of intelligence machines, thinking and working like humans. For example, speech recognition, problem-solving, learning and planning.

The future of AI involves advanced cognitive systems capable of doing what machine learning systems can't. They will intelligently and fluently interact with human experts, providing them with articulate explanations and answers, even at the edge of the network or in robotic devices.

Artificial Intelligence enhances the speed, precision and effectiveness of human efforts. In financial institutions, AI techniques can be used to identify which transactions are likely to be fraudulent, adopt fast and accurate credit scoring, as well as automate manually intense data management tasks.

Some of the fundamental AI techniques include Heuristics, Support Vector Machines, Markov Decision Process, Artificial Neural Networks, and Natural Language Processing. Heuristics is one of the most popular search algorithms used in AI, based on the principle of trial and error.

The AI systems are efficient enough to reduce human efforts in various areas. In order to perform various activities in the industry, many of them are using artificial intelligence to create machine slaves that perform various activities on a regular basis.

The AI systems are efficient enough to reduce human efforts in various areas. In order to perform various activities in the industry, many of them are using artificial intelligence to create machine slaves that perform various activities on a regular basis.

AI would have a low error rate compared to humans, if coded properly. They would have incredible precision, accuracy, and speed. They won't be affected by hostile environments, thus able to complete dangerous tasks, explore in space, and endure problems that would injure or kill us.

Currently AI is Used is Following Things/Fields:
  • Virtual Assistant or Chatbots.
  • Agriculture and Farming.
  • Autonomous Flying.
  • Retail, Shopping and Fashion.
  • Security and Surveillance.
  • Sports Analytics and Activities.
  • Manufacturing and Production.
  • Live Stock and Inventory Management.
  • Timer Physics 
Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, the field of AI research defines itself as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving". 


The math and Problem solving that underlies many of the artificial intelligence applications in use today, into an entirely new gear.

The Brain, Computerized 

Deep learning is one of the fastest-growing corners of artificial intelligence research and implementation. Machine learning is how Facebook recognizes you and your friends; it’s how computers diagnose cancer from images of human tissues; it’s how your credit score is determined. If your job title falls under the title of “paper pusher” AI will probably be putting you out of a job. Artificial neural networks garner their brainy comparisons because the mathematical logic of the algorithms are analogous to how scientists think the brain functions. In fleshy brains, we have an entangled mess of neurons that perform one of two functions: They either “fire” or they don’t; they’re binary. But string 100 billion neurons together in an interconnected, infinitely tangled morass of thought spaghetti, and you have yourself a very powerful computer. Artificial neural networks work on the same logic, but the “neurons” are just highly simplified mathematical equations — data is fed in, calculated and a solution is spit out. Artificial neural networks contain thousands upon thousands of these mathematical neurons, and they’re arranged in layers. When a neuron performs a calculation, it passes the solution to a neuron in the next layer, where that neuron performs a calculation and passes on the solution in turn. Researchers train artificial neural networks by feeding them a huge set of solutions to a specific task, say, identifying pictures of trees. By showing the neural network images of trees — the solution — the algorithm “learns” what a tree is. As it goes, the algorithm automatically adjusts the math that occurs at each neuron until the output matches the training set solutions. When a computer identifies an object, it’s simply spitting out a mathematical solution that’s presented as a probability (i.e. there’s a 95 percent chance that object is a tree).

The AI Engines

You need an incredible amount of computing power to make an artificial neural network worth all the trouble. And right now, the computing equivalent of a V8 engine is the graphics processing unit, or GPU. These little circuit board workhorses make video games look beautiful, as they accelerate the rapid fire mathematical calculations required to render images smoothly. If you string chains of these GPUs together you can multiply their power and mine cryptocurrencies or run artificial intelligence programs. It’s no wonder there’s currently a shortage of these things. But, if you think about it, even the finest GPUs on the market are still manufactured with silicon and copper. Information travels as electrical impulses along intricate circuit board highways. But researchers led by UCLA’s Xing Lin 3D-printed a multi-layered neural network that relays information via pulses of light. And sending information via light, rather than via electric pulses along metallic roadways, is like the difference between driving a car or flying a jet to your destination. Now, researchers didn’t entirely replace the GPU. Their optical neural network only performed the recognition task — the entire training step was performed via computer. In other words, it’s not an entire system, but it’s a start. To demonstrate their device’s performance, they tuned their algorithm to identify handwritten numbers by feeding it 55,000 images of the numbers zero to nine. Then, they tested the optical neural network on 10,000 new images. It correctly identified the images with 91.75 percent accuracy, performing the calculations at the speed of light. How It Works Rather than adjusting the math at each neuron, researchers say the optical network tunes its neurons by changing the phase and amplitude of light at each neuron. And rather than having a 1 or 0 as the solution at a neuron, each optical neuron either transmits or reflects an incoming light to the next layer. Researchers published their findings Thursday in the journal Science. The researchers have taken AI hardware in an interesting new direction, because they say it’s possible to pair optical neural networks with computers so they work in parallel and share the workload. Researchers believe these components, dubbed diffractive deep neural networks (D2NNs), could be easily scaled up using advanced 3D-printing methods to add additional layers and neurons. Another plus: A D2NN is very power efficient, and that’s big because current GPUs consume an awful lot of electricity and generate quite a bit of heat. Merging GPU and optical D2NNs could be a faster, more energy efficient engine for AI applications of the future 


Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data. 

     We are making on-device AI ubiquitous

Intelligence is moving towards edge devices. Increased computing power and sensor data along with improved AI algorithms are driving the trend towards machine learning be run on the end device, such as smartphones or automobiles, rather than in the cloud. AI, machine learning, deep learning, autonomous systems and neural networks are not just buzzwords and phrases. Increased compute power, more efficient hardware and robust software, as well as an explosion in sensor data from the Internet of Things — are fueling machine learning, and moving actionable data and intelligence towards edge devices. As AI makes devices, including smartphones and automobiles, more intelligent, mobile is becoming the key platform for enhancing all aspects of our lives, having an impact now and in the future. 

                                                ROBO Integrate Intelligence 

                          robotics companies

ROBO integrate prime focus of robotic research, as their uncanny human form could be key to integrating such machines into our lives, said researchers gathered this week at the annual International Conference on Intelligent Robots. robots must move around "in a supple way" despite their rigid mechanics and stop what they are doing in case of any unforeseen event . The Engineer of ROBO integrate are choosing "modular systems shaped like human bodies" which are meant to easily fit into real-world environments built for humans. 

                        Real-life robots that will make you think the future is now

Real-life robots that will make you think the future is now We know that day is a long way off, but technology is getting better all the time. In fact, some high-tech companies have already developed some pretty impressive robots that make us feel like the future is here already. These robots aren't super-intelligent androids or anything - but hey, baby steps, with the purpose of getting you excited for the robots of tomorrow. 

Starship Technologies

Starship Technologies have developed this local delivery robot designed to quickly deliver parcels and post within a two-mile radius. This wheeled self-driving delivery bot is an interesting alternative delivery drones. Will the future be void of delivery people but a buzz with wheeled and flying delivery bots?

POCKET-LINTNew Real Life Robots image 50

Samsung Bot Care

Samsung used CES 2019 to launch a range of care robots that it hopes to bring out in the near future. Bot Care, which is one of three robots announced at the Consumer Electronics Show in the US is able to do a number of tasks around the home like remind you when to take your medicine, act as a heart rate monitor, and if the worst happens phone emergency services for help. 

SEGWAYROBOTICS INC.New real life robots image 3


Just when you thought Segway couldn't possibly get any better, the company has updated and enhanced its transportation device with autonomous abilities. Now you can hop off your Segway and have it automatically follow you, capture video and more. The Loomo, as it's called, has also been built with a set of playful expressions, AI capabilities and voice, gesture and smartphone controls too. 

PIAGGIO FAST FORWARDNew real life robots image 4

Gita Bot

Carrying your own bags is such a chore. With Gita Bot, worry no more. This compact robot is designed to follow you around while you're out and about in town or on the way to work. The bot is capable of carrying the equivalent of a case of wine, a loaded rucksack or two shopping bags, so it's an ideal companion for a quick trip down to the shops. In the future, you'll be able to leave the car at home and stretch your legs without the misery of carrying your shopping home. 

MAYFIELD ROBOTICSNew real life robots image 5


Kuri is a robot for the home designed with personality, awareness of its surroundings and the power to move about the house freely too. Its designed to fit into your home and become part of the family - entertaining your loved ones, playing music and capturing special moments. 
Kuri is capable of reacting to sound, touch and even has a lighting system to let you know what mood it's in. We can't decide if this is awesome or creepy. 

LG ELECTRONICSNew real life robots image 6

LG Rolling Bot

Another rolling robot - this time a mobile camera that can roll around your home capturing images and videos. LG says the Rolling Bot can be used as a security monitoring system for the home or a companion for your pets. It's smartphone compatible and connects to your Wi-Fi for full connectivity and live streaming via your phone while you're out and about. 

SOFTBANK ROBOTICSNew real life robots image 7


Romeo is a humanoid sized robot who's designed and built to assist the elderly as they lose their own autonomy. This robot is designed to be able to open doors, climb stairs and reach for objects while going about its care duties. In the future, this clever bot may enable the elderly to stay in their own homes longer rather than having to move into care homes. 

FOLDIMATE, INC.New real life robots image 8


Laundry is such a chore. Washing, drying, putting everything away - so dull. Luckily technology is always improving. There are plenty of modern smart home products to help ease the misery including smart connected washing machines and dryers. Foldimate goes one better by automatically folding your clothes too. This robotic laundry folding machine could be a real life-changer or at least ease the misery of household chores. 

BLUE FROG ROBOTICSNew real life robots image 9


Buddy is a revolutionary companion robot designed to improve your family life. Buddy is designed to entertain the family, help you with your everyday activities, offer reminders when you need them, support you with recipes in the kitchen and much more. You can use buddy to make video calls, keep an eye on your home while you're out, connect all your smart home devices together and even help your children learn. 

CAFE X TECHNOLOGIES, INC.New real life robots image 10

Cafe X

Cafe X is an automated, robot powered coffee bar built with the power to deliver the very best in speciality coffee via advanced automation. Now you'll be able to get your morning coffee without the chore of having to talk to real people, isn't the future wonderful? Whether Cafe X can outperform professional baristas remains to be seen. 

MOLEY ROBOTICSNew real life robots image 11

Moley Robotic kitchen

If you're not a fan of cooking, then this next one might be for you. The Moley Robotic kitchen is, as you might expect, a fully-automated cooking robot that can cook for you. This robot is apparently capable of learning new recipes, cooking a variety of different meals and even cleans up after itself. Moley Robotics claim this kitchen robot can even mimic the skills of a full-blown master chef enabling it to craft world-class meals just for you. Sounds amazing, doesn't it?

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Ava Robotics

Ava Robotics has designed a robot that allows workers to easily move around a remote location as if they were really there. This robot combines high definition video conferencing technology with robotic mobility allowing remote workers to communicate easily with their colleagues too. 

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Panasonic Robot Egg

The Panasonic Robot Egg is a desktop robot companion that uses artificial intelligence-based natural language processing technology to communicate with you. It's an intelligent assistant that can be controlled by your voice, play video footage via a built-in projector and even engage in interactive games. This robot is Wi-Fi connected and promises software updates in future to improve it further. 

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Emotech Olly Robot

Olly is another smart assistant for the home, but with a difference. This robot is designed with an evolving personality, meaning it grows and learns how to react based on your habits and routines. Olly uses a brain-inspired AI system to create a personalised experience that's unique for each and every user. 

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Tapia is a smart robot designed to help you stay in contact with friends and family, organise your hectic schedule, keep you up to date with the latest news and give you hands-free access to your smart home devices. Tapia is a virtual assistant robot with a cute design that's built to become part of your home. 

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Asus Zenbo

Zenbo is a robot friend for all the family. This robot is intended to help out in a variety of ways around the house. It's a smart home manager, a security monitoring device, a handy kitchen assistant and even a family photographer. Zenbo can take photos, capture video, make calls, tell stories, play music and much more. Like other robots on this list, it also uses artificial intelligence to learn and adapt to your lifestyle. It also features a facial display where it can express emotions and build attachments with your loved ones. 

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Pillo is a robot that's designed to help with healthcare and well-being around the home. This robot offers a number of different functions including dispensing medication throughout the day, helping with monitoring of care plans, tracking food intake and much more. This robot features a touch-screen, voice interface, facial recognition and premium speakers, making it a powerful assistant for the home and the perfect tool for looking after your loved ones. 

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Toyota T-HR3

Toyota's T-HR3 is a humanoid robot system which allows a human user to remotely manoeuvre a robotic counterpart. The robot mirrors and mimics the movements of the human user and allows for safe use in a variety of situations including construction sites, disaster-stricken areas and even outer space. T-HR3 is built with 29 body parts and 16 master control systems making it a robot that's capable of smooth natural movement whatever it's doing.
The technology in T-HR3 is said to be a step in the development of friendly and helpful robots that will be able to coexist alongside the human race and assist us in our daily lives. 

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Aeolus is a general-purpose consumer robot designed to help around the house with various chores. This robot is capable of delivering food, picking up clutter from around the home, finding things you've lost and more. Aeolus also boasts Artificial Intelligence that helps it learn about your life, routine and layout of your home - improving how it serves you in future. 

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Ubtech Robotics' Walker

First showcased at CES in 2018, and then a newer version at CES 2019, Walker is a biped robot designed to deliver a home butler service and help with day-to-day operations of your home or workplace. Not only is this robot capable of climbing stairs, but can get you a can of coke, pass you an umbrella if it's raining and hang up your coat. When it's not helping you when you get through the door it can do a number of other tasks out security patrols, help with video calls and conferencing, dance and entertain children and much more besides. Walker is just one of several Ubtech robots in development, all of them aimed at improving our lives. 

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REEM is a full-size humanoid service robot. This robot can act as a receptionist, provide entertainment for guests, make presentations and give speeches in different languages and help with a variety of different chores. REEM is a robust, customisable robot that's able to self-navigate, interact with people it encounters and keep on running for up to eight hours. 

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Ubtech Robotics' Cruzr

Cruzr is another humanoid robot designed and built by Ubtech. Flexible arms and a maneuverable body powered by 17 different servos allow this robot to move like a human, despite its strange shape. This bot is capable of interacting with humans it meets - shaking hands, greeting new people, dancing, hugging, moving about freely and more. Cruzr also sports omnidirectional wheels that allow it to turn 360-degrees in an instant. Cruzr is also customisable and features voice and action interaction as well as facial recognition and the ability to express emotion.  

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RoBoHon is a smartphone disguised as a robot. The little robot works as a normal phone, with a screen for a belly, but does more. The bot can move and talk for call alerts and more. It even has a projector in its face so it can lean forward and project larger images on surfaces. This could be useful for viewing photos, following a recipe or simply as a novel hands-free option.
How popular this will be worldwide, if it goes on sale outside of Japan, is hard to judge. 

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ASIMO is a humanoid robot that Honda has been developing for over a decade. It features hand dexterity as well as the ability to run fast, hop, jump, run backward, and climb and descend stairs. ASIMO can also recognise the faces and voices of multiple people speaking and can accurately predict what you'll do next.

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Pepper is a Japanese humanoid robot that can sense emotion and exhibit its own feelings. After going on sale in Japan, the robot made by Softbank was sold out in just a minute. Granted, there were only 1,000 to be bought, but they are not cheap. Pepper costs the equivalent of £1,000 plus a £125 monthly fee.

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LS3 BigDog

LS3 BigDog is a robot "pack mule" that was developed by Boston Dynamics. It's had it's first military outing carrying kit across mixed terrain and the marines are impressed. The LS3 is able to carry 180kg of kit for 20 miles before it runs out of fuel as well as conduct resupply missions.

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Spot is a robot dog created by Boston Dynamics. He's smaller than the first-generation LS3 Big Dog, but just as capable. Spot is a 73kg electrically-powered and hydraulically-actuated robot that can walk, trot, climb, and take a kick and stay standing. Here's hoping Google adapts it for use by everyone soon.

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Robear is a high-tech teddy designed to lift an elderly patient from a bed into a wheelchair. Robear comes from Toshiharu Mukai, a scientist who leads the Robot Sensor Systems Research Team at the Riken-SRK Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research. Robear is the team's third robot bear.

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Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ is Japan's biggest bank, and it employ robots. Aldebaran Robotics' Nao is a bipedal android that costs around $8,000. You can see one at UFJ's flagship branch near Tokyo station. Nao speaks Japanese, English, and Chinese and can answer your questions about how to open a bank account and more.

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HitchBOT was a robot created by Ontario makers at Ryerson University. They wanted to see how far it would travel, but it was dismantled in Philadelphia. HitchBOT comprised a camera, battery, motherboard, tablet, GPS, and red eyes. It could also hold basic conversations and throw out tidbits of wisdom while on its travels.

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Muruta is the world's first robot cheerleader. It balances on metal balls and can dance and flashing lights in unison. It uses gyroscopic sensors with inverted-pendulum control to stay upright. It also uses ultrasonic microphones and infrared sensors to detect objects around and determine its relative positions. 



Athena was the first humanoid robot to have paid for a seat on a plane when it boarded a Lufthansa flight to Germany last Christmas. It was created by PhD student Alexander Herzog and Jeannette Bohg. The all-white robot has a tablet mounted to its chest and can chat with people about their coffee habits and preferences.

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Henn na Hotel

A hotel in southwestern Japan, called Weird Hotel, is staffed almost totally by robots to save labor costs. The hotel is called Henn na Hotel in Japanese and was shown to reporters recently, complete with robot demonstrations. One feature demoed was the use of facial recognition instead of e-keys during check-in.

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Stripper bots

At the CeBIT expo in Hanover, German software developer Tobit had a booth showcasing two pole dancing robots and a robot DJ with a megaphone for a head. The two bots could dance in time to the music. According to the BBC, you can pick up one of these "stripper" bots right now for just $39,500.

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If you have ¥120,000,000, you can currently buy a rideable mech robot through Amazon Japan. The robot is called Kuratas and looks like something out of Hollywood. It is 3.8 metres tall, weighs 5 tons, and features a BB Gatling gun that can pump out 6,000 rounds per minute. It's also been in development for several years. 

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A team of Japanese roboticists created a music-performing band of robots called Z-Machines. It has a guitarist with 78 fingers and a drummer with 22 arms. Record label Warp Records said last autumn it would release an album performed by the band. Composer Squarepusher also promised to make music with it. 

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Insect robots

Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering has created a tiny, insect-inspired robot that can stand and jump on water for surveillance missions. The robot isn't yet equipped with surveillance technology, but it was part of a study that had a goal to explore aquatic mobility in a small-scale robot.


Cockroach robot

This is a cockroach-inspired robot that took two years to build. Scientists at the University of California-Berkeley wanted to create a tiny robot that could navigate rough terrain and small gaps without the use of sensors, so it invented this bug-like robot and published the results in a Bioinspiration & Biomimetics study.

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German company Festo has made a robot kangaroo aptly-titled BionicKangaroo. It has a "tendon" in its leg that propels it forward and harnesses energy on landing. Also, as the legs move forward for landing, the tail is adjusted for balance. When it lands, the legs are spring-loaded by the impact and prepped for another hop.

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Boston Dynamics created Atlas, a 6-foot humanoid robot, to move like a person. He's been taken outside for testing in the woods and manages to move freely, looking creepily like a ninja. 

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Leka is a $390 robot for special-needs children. It helps them to better understand social and visual cues. It's shaped like a ball and face that changes expressions. It also uses sound, light, and colours to interact. Leka responds with positive images and sounds, such as a smiling face, and it features customizable, multiplayer games based around color identification, picture matching, hide-and-seek, etc. 

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LG Hub Robot

Hub Robot by LG uses Amazon's voice assistant, Alexa, to play music and answer questions, but it primarily connects with LG's smart appliances, such as oven or washing machine. It features a circular "face" (that can re-orient to face you) with a screen and a white, stationary body. The screen can display images and videos. Pricing information is unavailable. 

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Lynx Robot

UBTech's Lynx Robot leverages Amazon's voice assistant to answer your questions, but it can also read your emails and has a camera system so it can check on your home while you're away. It can also recognise faces and change its responses to suit a particular person.  

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Ewaybot's MoRo can move around indoors and outdoors, handle objects ranging from tissues to water bottles, and listen to voice commands. It's about 4-feet tall and weighs 77 pounds. It also has a flame retardant ABS case and about an 8-hour battery life. Unfortunately, it costs a whopping $30,000. 

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Bosch's Mykie, short for "my kitchen elf," can answer questions, like "What's the weather today?", and it can control connected Bosch appliances like dishwashers. You'll mostly use it to search for recipes with voice commands. Mykie has a control screen, with a set of moving eyes, and a projector so you can project cooking videos onto your kitchen wall. 

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ElliQ is described as an "active aging companion". Based on the product's concept video on YouTube, it looks like a two-part setup that includes an Android tablet and an Alexa-like digital assistant and software. With this combination, the elderly can easily connect with friends and family. In an interview with VentureBeat, the company behind ElliQ noted that the robot's unique design, natural movements, and body language can help enable a "unique bond" between ElliQ and its owner. Watch the video here to see ElliQ in action. You'll see that it sits on a desk but can swivel around, deliver verbal notifications, respond to messages, set reminders for meds, answer video calls, monitor activities, etc. ElliQ is still in the development stage. 

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Japanese car manufacturer Nissan has taken its ProPILOT suite of self-driving technologies and put them into a self-driving robot called Pitch-R, that can be used to draw 5-, 7- or 11-a-side football pitches wherever there is enough space. The robot is in the final stage of development at the moment and Nissan says it's just the first of a number of prototypes it's developing. 

Chess board and Neural Network graphic
Early work with neural networks stirs excitement for “thinking machines.”
Shapes and arrow graphic with classical and modern machine learning
Machine learning becomes popular.
Binary code on dark background with magnifying glass graphic 
Present Day
Deep learning breakthroughs drive AI boom. 

                       Why is artificial intelligence important?

  • AI automates repetitive learning and discovery through data. But AI is different from hardware-driven, robotic automation. Instead of automating manual tasks, AI performs frequent, high-volume, computerized tasks reliably and without fatigue. For this type of automation, human inquiry is still essential to set up the system and ask the right questions.
  • AI adds intelligence to existing products. In most cases, AI will not be sold as an individual application. Rather, products you already use will be improved with AI capabilities, much like Siri was added as a feature to a new generation of Apple products. Automation, conversational platforms, bots and smart machines can be combined with large amounts of data to improve many technologies at home and in the workplace, from security intelligence to investment analysis.
  • AI adapts through progressive learning algorithms to let the data do the programming. AI finds structure and regularities in data so that the algorithm acquires a skill: The algorithm becomes a classifier or a predictor. So, just as the algorithm can teach itself how to play chess, it can teach itself what product to recommend next online. And the models adapt when given new data. Back propagation is an AI technique that allows the model to adjust, through training and added data, when the first answer is not quite right.
  • AI analyzes more and deeper data using neural networks that have many hidden layers. Building a fraud detection system with five hidden layers was almost impossible a few years ago. All that has changed with incredible computer power and big data. You need lots of data to train deep learning models because they learn directly from the data. The more data you can feed them, the more accurate they become.
  • AI achieves incredible accuracy through deep neural networks – which was previously impossible. For example, your interactions with Alexa, Google Search and Google Photos are all based on deep learning – and they keep getting more accurate the more we use them. In the medical field, AI techniques from deep learning, image classification and object recognition can now be used to find cancer on MRIs with the same accuracy as highly trained radiologists.
  • AI gets the most out of data. When algorithms are self-learning, the data itself can become intellectual property. The answers are in the data; you just have to apply AI to get them out. Since the role of the data is now more important than ever before, it can create a competitive advantage. If you have the best data in a competitive industry, even if everyone is applying similar techniques, the best data will win.

AI and the Internet of Things

Data is all around us. The Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors have the ability to harness large volumes of data, while artificial intelligence (AI) can learn patterns in the data to automate tasks for a variety of business benefits.

Integrate AI into your Analytics Program

For AI to be used effectively, it’s important that the strategy around it feeds into your larger business strategy, always taking into account the convergence of people, process and technology.

Separate Hype From Reality

AI is helping to embed "greater smartness into machines" but it is not taking over the world .

What are the challenges of using artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is going to change every industry, but we have to understand its limits.
The principle limitation of AI is that it learns from the data. There is no other way in which knowledge can be incorporated. That means any inaccuracies in the data will be reflected in the results. And any additional layers of prediction or analysis have to be added separately.
Today’s AI systems are trained to do a clearly defined task. The system that plays poker cannot play solitaire or chess. The system that detects fraud cannot drive a car or give you legal advice. In fact, an AI system that detects health care fraud cannot accurately detect tax fraud or warranty claims fraud.
In other words, these systems are very, very specialized. They are focused on a single task and are far from behaving like humans.
Likewise, self-learning systems are not autonomous systems. The imagined AI technologies that you see in movies and TV are still science fiction. But computers that can probe complex data to learn and perfect specific tasks are becoming quite common.


code of conduct : 1. EINSTEIN Value = (input_Processing_Output_ % Transfer) : Super Transient . EINSTEIN = Energy Input Saucer Tech Energy Intern . Einstein Value need to open and close real black hole .
_____________________________________ 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼πŸ‘ͺπŸ‘ͺπŸ‘ͺπŸ‘ͺπŸ‘ͺ🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

3 komentar:

  1. Hi teacher !
    I want to communicate with you ,
    Please I want your help and cooperation with me on the topic of regulating 48 volts DC. And draw an electrical scheme for a heating device that we are manufacturing now.
    WhatsApp number 0046764286882
    with all respect

  2. Hi teacher !
    I want to communicate with you ,
    Please I want your help and cooperation with me on the topic of regulating 48 volts DC. And draw an electrical scheme for a heating device that we are manufacturing now.

    with all respect

    1. Hello Mr . Yahya ..heating device in the Electronic cicuit can make of problem :
      1. Tolerance Component at your design circuit.
      2. Calculate transfer heat from input to output and you must take a good heatsink .
      3. You wrong to calculate and place the equalize resistance at Electronic circuit .
      4. You must keep current transient using R, L ,C circuit at iPO ( input _ Process_output )
      5. Electronic device must be place on temperatur below 20 degree Celcius so do good performance .
      6. PCB wiring should to good isolation , because can make induction between wiring if do not good isolation .
      7. You must keep regulator 48 Volts DC using ..
      1.IC regulator
      2. Transformer ( induction technic)
      3. Transistor regulator
      4. Capacitor regulator for stabilyze output regulator .
      Welcome , can solve your manufacture problem at regulator 48 Volts DC .

