Selasa, 02 Juni 2020

JESI ISE Likes 2 in 1 in space and time at 12 + ^ - ^ 3 central color charts 44 deltas increase at some point of disappearance of space and time inside and outside the solar system such as the status of interface space for modern human technology and humanoid ROBO to in the future, in this case it is possible in the projection of optimal and adaptive control techniques in energy space and work equipment and the development of electronic component technology as an optimal and adaptive response that we will certainly be able to encounter in different space and time systems outside the earth as a source some atomic elements, such as space and time Planet Mars so that we can decipher the status of interface space to form energy and other planetary system links outside the solar system, electronic components and equipment that we must fix is ​​developing electronic technology outside the analog system (Real Time) and digital (Hard Time and Soft Time) on earth are both connected by the district network el and wireless materials on earth such as metals and semi-metals (silicon and germanium) and liquid and gas materials (see atomic structure on earth). The technology that has been improved is network electronic technology and interface and connector design so that the numerical analysis system in the timer and setting up has a more controlled algorithm and adaptive response to every new space and time condition. love for me __ thanks to my wife and children and my closest friends and my love, so the sister in the love of the Lord Miss Jenna Reichert (Thanks miss). say that God can still develop for me both in joy and sorrow, along with hearts and minds that I can say are good and always have an eternal spirit, General. Mac Tech is designed graphic communication in the interface space and different time standards outside the earth as a function of electronic communication media and forms of life patterns between planets.

                                                   The Communications Infrastructure Because ECIs must work in a networked environment, in...