Jumat, 27 September 2024

Meet valley at AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Good Valley and Good Mountain 02096020014 lets go honey we practice ; Data and information on input design, process design, output design and analysis of numerical data systems become information that is needed to be verified correctly both on small data and big data using manual or automatic instruments and sensors, namely an integrated network of electronic machines and modern communications (remote, infrared, blue tooth, wireless, Internet, AI, ML, DL, Neural networking). Thankyou me to wife , My children , best friend real ; ok 😇😍🤗 justification ...hmmm

__________________________________________________________________________ input design, process design, output design and analysis of numerical data systems into information that is needed to be verified correctly for both small data and big data. __________________________________________________________________________
Data analytics and numerical analysis in a process of input, data processing, output and data correction using advanced research methodology using manual systems, namely differential and inferential statistics on spreadsheet operators such as excel (if and only if the data is below 100 input data) then for advanced analytical data retrieval and its process using electronic machine sensors such as light sensors, heat sensors, ultrasonic sensors, satellite communications, microwaves, wireless on Artificial intelligence networks and the internet of things which are integrated into automatic data input sensor machines, all of which can take data in large forms above thousands of data to trillions of input data into output in the form of information, both from information about electronic science and technological instruments and control in general and specifically, financial science, logistics science, information science, medical science, network science and population science and input data and information outside the earth and other planets, all big data input is processed with Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, deep learning in electronic communication control machine networks can be servers (cloud data). This big data is taken automatically through embedded electronic sensors and can be controlled from close, medium and long distances such as if close range is usually manual control, namely push buttons or electronic switches, while remote control uses drones, satellites, space stations, robotics and others. big data needs a more solid and reliable design for the analysis and design of its information systems, there are many examples that we can see the use of reliable big data both in engineering and financial sciences, for example in financial science, namely the formation of a block chain for smart contract links in cryptocurrency technology, if in the military we can see an example of the iron dome fortress owned by the state of Israel and in science, namely the detection of oxygen content and rainfall using drones. in my current book and journal I will examine all aspects of space and time that are truly real time from various aspects, namely: 1. numerical analysis methods; 2. data analytic methods; 3. research methods; 4. Analysis and design of information systems; 5. The process of cooking data into appropriate information with statistical methods (manual = small data), block chain methods, Artificial intelligence methods, machine learning methods, deep learning methods, neural networking electronic machines methods and probe probability; 6. methods of processing output data in the form of information into big information that is qualified, quality, comparable, real and imaginary, and valid in the sense of true and pure information.
================================================= I . Research Methods for small data and Big data ================================================= research method is one of the sciences and work skills and work attitudes needed for us to analyze numerical data and analytical data because it is directly related to the validation of data processing into useful and appropriate information. let's describe what abilities and knowledge we need to describe and understand and be able to, namely: 1. Scientific thinking 2. The research process analysis 3. Design strategies 4. the right way to measure if small data can be manual if big data uses electronic sensors with internet or infrared networks, blue tooth, wire less, fiber optics etc. 5. scaling design. 6. sampling design. 7. The source and Collection of data using manual or automatic examples using drones. 8. Experimentation. 9. Analysis and presentation of data. 10. Decision technic and risk value .
============================================================================ II . Knowledge of statistical methode and electronic machine comm Networking ============================================================================ Knowledge of statistical mathematical methods 1. Statistical data collection for small data using manual, namely human observation using human senses can use push buttons or manual switches or measuring probes and for big data, namely using automatic electronic machine processes such as drones or robotics. 2. determining the population and sample usually taking data can use google earth or google maps premium. 3. how to collect data can be manual or automatic. 4. Data examination can be done by manual observation or if big data uses a supercomputer. 5. Data presentation can be in the form of images or graphs manually or on a computer monitor screen or a supercomputer integrated hologram. 6. detecting and examining the frequency distribution or input values ​​and their graphs. 7. determining what might happen seen from the data symptoms and location of the data. 8. processing data, especially data variations and deviations, can be manual if small data or using a larger electronic machine algorithm program on big data. 9. analyzing the chances of information data if done in real and future time, the distribution of the data taken is correct. 10. Estimation and testing of data taken both small data and big data using robotic drones and sensors that work 24 hours a day. . 11. Method of controlling input data into output data.
=========================================================================== III .Skilled knowledge attitude in information system analysis and design both on small data or Big data (server and Cloud data) =========================================================================== Skilled knowledge attitude in information system analysis and design both on small data or Big data (server and Cloud data): 1. Creating a data and information system diagram by studying the characteristics of the system, components and classification of the desired information needs. 2. analyzing data values ​​and cycles so that the data processing becomes quality information. 3. choosing the right data input tools and techniques on the data character into information that is generating a system. 4. Analysis of design and design of life cycles and detection of problems in input data as well as data life cycles, reviewing small data and big data. 5. creating data flow diagrams and database designs. 6. creating a hierarchy of input process systems and output data into a module structure or chart according to the algorithm. 7. Input design can be via keyboard, sensor or joystick, drone or VR, real-time camera. 8. The design of the output and display screen can be classified using LCD, seven segment, LED, running LED, monitor screen, touch screen, hologram reality, printer, speaker, all of which are connected to an integrated electronic communication machine network.
======================================================================= IV . Knowledge and skills of data analytics and numerical analysis both manually and automatically. ======================================================================= Knowledge and skills of data analytics and numerical analysis both manually and automatically. 1. Understanding data input and output algorithms and measuring error factors. 2. Knowing the ability of numerical analysis in the form of polynomials, numerical approximations. 3. Numerical differentiation. 4. Numerical integration. 5. Linear programming. 6. Boundary value systems .
========================================================================= V . Modern digital electronics knowledge and skills in module and network systems for small data and Big Data . ========================================================================= Modern digital electronics knowledge and skills in module and network systems: 1. Knowledge of number systems. 2. Understanding Gates and Inverters in digital electronics technology. 3. Understanding and practicing in examining digital waveform input and output forms. 4. Knowledge and skills in digital electronics shift registers and counters. 5. Understanding digital electronic networks triggers and clocks. 6. Practicing and analyzing the conversion of input data values ​​from analog to digital and digital to analog. 7. Understanding data input and output techniques by decoding, multiplexers and demultiplexers and displays. 8. Understanding and studying gates and interfaces in integrated communication electronic machine networks.
============================================================================ VI . Automatic control on electronic machine networking generative ============================================================================ automatic control on electronic machine network systems components and modules of hardware and software. analysis and design of control systems in electronic machine design and their networks tend to be done comprehensively, good and smart network requirements are needed especially in the fields of electronics, digital electronic machines, aerospace and dynamic chemical routes. to be able to analyze dynamic electronic network control techniques requires a high level of understanding in the field of differential equations, matrix and vector analysis, tensor analysis, circuit and network analysis and mechanics in a symbol, this ability is needed for the design of electronic control systems both Artificial intelligence and machine learning, advanced design and computer simulation and super microcomputer electronic network control systems especially we can apply adaptive control systems. let's go straight into the adaptive analysis: 1. design of electronic machine network components and modules on the usual method in ordinary state space (Signal flow graphs, Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms, Mac Laureen series, transfer functions, analysis of state space or real situations in simulation, block diagrams of components and input modules, processes and outputs and control functions), 2. create mathematical functions from state space control with existing electronic component and module networks, especially mathematical models of dynamic systems because the form of real-time moving dimensional space, the ability that we must understand is that we are able and skilled to apply state control systems to simulations of symbolic mechanics, dynamic electricity, Analog and digital electronics, knowledge of liquid and hot surfaces and the ability to transfer nonlinear approaches into linear mathematics, so yeah..okay. 3. Action and reaction on electronic control components and modules example on robot action and reaction in real time state space, satellite communication action and reaction in real time state space, server and cloud engine action and reaction in real time state space so that the performance of the smart electronic network system that we design and implement the influence of its control action can be appropriate and according to target expectations, calculate and analyze all reduction parameters that use our automatic network electronic control. 4. declare mathematical and physical functions of system optimization with time state equations with super microcomputer solutions of state equations and system network communication. 5. declare the control system of the place of residence and describe its transportation system
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========================================================================== Statistical book review _______________________ The importance of statistical mathematical knowledge to analyze numerical data and analytical data; here I provide books about statistics to read:
The Modern Excel spreadsheet AI _______________________________ data analysis using microsoft excel using AI and gpt chat for big data.